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Who'd sell annoyeds?

Sounds like something you need removed, to be honest.

Some of my colleagues work in prisons, and I once heard a story from one where a visitor had locked their keys in her car:

Visitor explains problem to guard.
A call is put out to anyone inside who knows how to break into a 2016 Ford Escort; a few minutes later an inmate comes forward.
Visitor and guard go to car park accompanying inmate with toolkit.
Visitor points car out.
Inmate takes spanner and smashes window.


Leg End Member
Some of my colleagues work in prisons, and I once heard a story from one where a visitor had locked their keys in her car:

Visitor explains problem to guard.
A call is put out to anyone inside who knows how to break into a 2016 Ford Escort; a few minutes later an inmate comes forward.
Visitor and guard go to car park accompanying inmate with toolkit.
Visitor points car out.
Inmate takes spanner and smashes window.
One of these, without the foot in it could do the job.
Fabulous supper of leek & potato soup, followed by seared lamb rump*, red peppers stuffed with lemon & garlic bulgur wheat and steamed sweetheart cabbage drizzled with the cooking juices from the meat. :hungry:

* Tesco's finest, a YS buy previous week. Comes with a mint & rosemary rub. Very nice, a tender cut that's well worth the full whack tbh, but bin the cooking instructions as otherwise you'll end up with a shoe sole. Simply sear in a hot pan, then 20 mins @160 fan (it was a 400g piece), and rest for 10 mins while basting with the pan juices and a bit of butter.

Oooh, what did you get?

Lotus 49. It is a Rob Walker one which I'm going to use to build up a Jim Clark Gold Leaf body that I have . It is cheaper than buying all of the components I would need .


Legendary Member
Give it a go; London probably has taster sessions. There's three basic rules on the track
  1. Keep pedalling, or the back end will kick up and you may fall off.
  2. If you want to go higher pedal faster (there's ways to go high and slow, but not for a beginner).
  3. Look before you move.
And no, you can't put a go-kart on it but you can put a motorbike on for derny racing.
You swine - you've just had me looking at taster sessions at Lea Valley Velodrome - £40 for an hour's taster (including bike & helmet hire, extra for shoes) and £20 return train next Friday. And I'm not working...


Legendary Member
A thoroughly grey & dull day down here in Suffolk. Went out for a ride while listening to Norwich being hammered by Burnley this afternoon but had to change my planned route when the "Road closed at rail crossing" sign meant just that - the whole track was in the process of being ripped up & replaced so not a hope of being allowed to walk round the closure. At least I got the longest ride of the year in at 42 miles with a surprisingly lumpy for Suffolk of 1500 ft of upwardness..
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