Mundane News

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Devotee of OCD
I had a lie in this morning. 8:10 am seemed like a decadent kind of time to be getting up. My first daylight upgetting of the season.

'You' need a sleep-debt catch up once in a while hey.....
Fair do's - and i'm far from knocking anyone's personal situation Andy. Its more the collective UK mantra that narks me. And where it actually all goes / if it's wisely and productively used. Me; i suspect not - if you hadn't guessed 🥴

We're just taxed to hell and back here. Wages; Tax for this and that from what you have left. Fuel Duty, Council Tax, Road Tax, VAT on goods that it really shouldn't apply to. And you'll get further taxed to hell should you then choose to enjoy yourself through smoking or drinking.

And if you do somehow miraculously manage to save any from what you might have left and put it into some sort of pension - you then get
taxed back again on receiving that.

The net percentage of all of that; that didn't involve a Tax of some sort must be "miniscule"............

There was some comment here that when Mr Charles Windsor inherited mummy's billions a few months back he paid zero inheritance tax...
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Deleted member 1258

Anybody seen my party balloon ?


Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
I'm about to get a bus for a journey of about 18 miles. 3 legs, 1 hour 14 mins. £2 a leg, £6 total. I think that's pretty good. If it was just one bus leg it would still only be £2 which is amazing value. I remember hearing about a£2 fare cap a while ago but surely that's not sustainable without considerable subsidy, which I fully support and hope doesn't cut services any more than they have e already been decimated.


I'm about to get a bus for a journey of about 18 miles. 3 legs, 1 hour 14 mins. £2 a leg, £6 total. I think that's pretty good. If it was just one bus leg it would still only be £2 which is amazing value. I remember hearing about a£2 fare cap a while ago but surely that's not sustainable without considerable subsidy, which I fully support and hope doesn't cut services any more than they have e already been decimated.

Nationally it's only on till April some local elected mayor clowns have promised to / have put in place locally.
But like you said without funding it's pie in sky. Public transport is on massive local political football they all want to control it but have not got the 1st idea of how to run it.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
The water people sent a letter round to let people know they were digging a hole on Wednesday. They did: it's outside my house. And left it.

On Thursday said hole was still there, but last night the barriers blew over.

This morning a big wagon came back and used a crane to put the barriers back.

Now there's two workmen staring at the hole. Not doing anything, just standing looking into it. And they've been looking at it for the past hour - SWMBO's home office that I'm squatting in * looks out towards them.

@tyred - has your local hole-digging workforce relocated to West Yorkshire?

* I do have a work paid-for desk in the conservatory but a) it's cold in there and b) it's currently (and almost permanently) covered in bike parts. And c) the work PC in there is currently set up for Zwift instead. Oh, and SWMBO's now hospitals-based five days a week, with offices in two of the three hospitals she works in, so she won't notice that I'm using the spare PC and desk in here. Hopefully :whistle:
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