Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Food stall not a bad idea be cheeper than what they do now. Won't go down well with abmos though they'd not get the £25 lost break payments.

Easy answer to that! Pay them more and they can work (even) better and less stressed than if they do not have a Break. Does the govment have a department of Joined Up Thinking? :scratch:


Vice Admiral
I have a question with pertinence to medical matters. The Patient has been told he should borrow a Blood Pressure Monitor from the Surgery for four days, to measure his blood pressure.

The sugary surgery is within walking distance, so I if ask one of my neighbours (who often asks if there is anything she can do) to fetch it for him, is the Monitor very heavy? The last bit of the walk from the surgery is up a fairly steep hill.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I think I've figured out why Google maps/Android auto kept on losing GPS in the car. I first tried changing cables, then putting the phone in different places with no joy. I then realised that the GPS had become so badly calibrated that it thought I was a fair old distance away from where I actually was. Recalibrating the phone seems to have worked and I just got to, and back from, somewhere in the middle of nowhere without a single drop out.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I have a question with pertinence to medical matters. The Patient has been told he should borrow a Blood Pressure Monitor from the Surgery for four days, to measure his blood pressure.

The sugary surgery is within walking distance, so I if ask one of my neighbours (who often asks if there is anything she can do) to fetch it for him, is the Monitor very heavy? The last bit of the walk from the surgery is up a fairly steep hill.

The sphygmomanometer MrsPete & I have weighs very little. It would fit in a handbag I reckon.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I've had a busy day. Ride into town to attempt to find a human being to talk to, face to face, in the Council Offices!!
Then sign up to a new GP surgery on my way back. Dog walked and quite a bit of gardening (including building a small dry stone wall 😎) and the swing seat proofed ready for Spring / Summer.

I managed to fit ½ an hour snooze in, too!! 😂


Devotee of OCD
It’s light leaving work at a couple of minutes to 5 👍


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All of my Short Circuit magazines (5 years' worth of issues) are now filed in chronological order in a binder, except for the three that live permanently in the archive proper.

The binder is very full, but they all fit in... just.

Time for a :cuppa:


Legendary Member
I have a question with pertinence to medical matters. The Patient has been told he should borrow a Blood Pressure Monitor from the Surgery for four days, to measure his blood pressure.

The sugary surgery is within walking distance, so I if ask one of my neighbours (who often asks if there is anything she can do) to fetch it for him, is the Monitor very heavy? The last bit of the walk from the surgery is up a fairly steep hill.

They’re not heavy at all. Pop in a carrier bag.

The Omrons are a good make and often one the surgeries use, lots of different models depending on if you want individual settings, memory, etc but the basic ones would be fine.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
They’re not heavy at all. Pop in a carrier bag.

The Omrons are a good make and often one the surgeries use, lots of different models depending on if you want individual settings, memory, etc but the basic ones would be fine.

Lots of cheap and good ones to choose from here. I used a Lloyds own brand that's on there and it does a perfectly good job for cheap
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