Mundane News

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Much warmer today well just above freezing warmer , ground defrosted early this morning lovey blue sky and the sun is out.
Loaded the washing machine than thought what had I done with the clean towels ? Turns out they went in the machine too lucky that was before I'd turned it on.
Soon be time to walk the dog he's currently fast asleep clearly dreaming judging by the twitches.


Car battery flat. Not completely flat but not enough to start engine. Currently got battery charger attached which I’ll leave for about 3 hours. Then I’ll take car for a run (assuming battery has enough charge to start it by then) to charge battery some more. The fun of cars when you don’t drive them much.

I use a solar panel charger plugged into the diagnostic port in mine as it goes days without being used.
Another brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright and chhhhhhhhhhilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

According to the local news, it was -10 last night not too far away from here. Judging by the fact it was only 14C in here this morning, I can well believe it, as usually I can keep the place at a comfy 17C overnight.

I slept well, and don't feel too bad despite the heffalumps. When your hormones are behaving like Northern Rail, it doesn't half mess you up. Hey ho, such is life. Chores have also been chored here this morning, and the wood bins in the house topped up. The rest of the morning has been spent furkling through an archive of stock car photos - I found one image that seems to have answered a question that's been bugging me for a while, but I will need to see if I can find any reference in the magazines to cross-check.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
What are your children doing on the curtain rail?

Oooops.. They're definitely finials not filials on the curtain pole 🤣
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