Mundane News

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They say things happen on threes;

1 broke a plate
2 found SD card out of sportscam was not readable
3 nearly ten year old laptop reactivated to try to update a powerline adaptor (newer one does not have a network cable connection) went crazy with seemingly the tab key constantly active so hard drive removed along with a few small bolts and laptop for the recycling site. Previously it seriously overheated but it manage to struggle on when asked to work.
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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I went to a fair number of these liquidation auctions, and some of the stock being sold on the day wasn't on the company stock lists.

As for computers, I've still got the hard drive from the manager of one local councils printworks. Bought with all the councils letter templates on it. They'd have printed the various department letter standards there.
Another time, the hard drive was simply dropped off at the local police station. Someone in an office had too much time at their fingertips and access to the internet.

Other times it beggared belief at what they were trying to get money for.

Do love a good auction. I adore a profitable auction...

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Some decent stuff, sometimes odd*, bought from them over the years.

*Left them wondering what I'd be doing with some of the stuff bought.

I need to find my paper gauges. One time I went to the auction and had to rent a truck bigger than my own to cart my item away. That time was the next time, and I walked out with my won auction in a matchbox in my pocket.


Itching to get back on my bike's
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