Mundane News

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Weather is a bit more pleasant this morning - still getting side effects from meds, felt sick this morning, but just managed two pieces of toast and an apple, and 2 cups of coffee, so looking to get a ride in at lunch - worked straight through yesterday with the weather being rough. I think it will be an out and back along a fairly 'dry' trail - my circular route, or the canal, is just a mud bog.

I'm wearing out chainrings and cassette sprockets on my 'crap weather' MTB at some speed. Managed to get a lightly used chain ring off ebay a few months ago - that went on the bike last night - almost impossible to find 'new' ones these days.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Whal trimmers no guard down to the skin billiard ball.

#9 gives sufficient guard.


Legendary Member
Human intervention once more.... The greys were imported in the 1800's from America. Possibly because their fur could be used to trim the collars of (wealthy) peoples coats. Since they are much bigger and more aggressive than the UK's native red squirrel they have been severely reduced in numbers because they can't compete with the greys. I am very happy to say that there are no greys here in France and as a consequence the reds are pretty common. This is very much the case where l live because hazel grows wild everywhere and the nuts are the reds' favourite food 🐿
Hence the corruption of the Topic advert in the 70's

What has a Hazlenut in every bite - Squirrel shoot.
No, just sorting out an issue with my coffee machine.
Problem was resolved without tears or bloodshed, too!! 😂

Or ketchup?
Warm, breezy and with sunny intervals here chez Casa Reynard. Although how long that will remain is questionable, as the clouds on the horizon are rather towering and dark.

Anyways, I am 850 pounds lighter. Well, my wallet is. I went to pick up the car from the garage this morning. By bike, of course. Used the road bike on the basis it's the easiest to stick on the back seat. I did get a little ride in prior to that as well.

Have to say, the handling has definitely tightened up with the anti-roll bar sorted. The front end was beginning to feel rather vague and sloppy.

It is almost time for lunch, and I am more than a tad peckish.
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