Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I might do a bit of gardening today, if I don't sink into the waterlogged ground.
There again, I might not. My time will be better used if I fettle the gears on my CX.
I do like a crisp gear change!!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Grey squirrels = tree rats = air rifle.

The squirrels at my university's 'leafy' campus disappeared one autumn. It transpired that a student had been catching and eating them:
Grey squirrels = tree rats = air rifle.
Human intervention once more.... The greys were imported in the 1800's from America. Possibly because their fur could be used to trim the collars of (wealthy) peoples coats. Since they are much bigger and more aggressive than the UK's native red squirrel they have been severely reduced in numbers because they can't compete with the greys. I am very happy to say that there are no greys here in France and as a consequence the reds are pretty common. This is very much the case where l live because hazel grows wild everywhere and the nuts are the reds' favourite food 🐿


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Second AZ Covid jab this morning, a couple of student seminars the Tameside (Manchester) this evening for my son's training session. I could join them but probably not a good idea after the jab.

I'm riding to the Covid jab though as it's a few miles away.

Good move cycling there - I think it helped me avoid any side effects TBH.
Grey squirrels = tree rats = air rifle.
And lunch according to DC Lane^_^
Is Britain's entry for Eurovision Song Contest a reworked version of Cliff Richard's Congratulations called Innoculations ? :whistle:
Innoculations and vaccinations
When I tell everyone that you're the ones for me
Congratulations and jubilations
I want the world to know I'm happy as can be
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