Mundane News

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Just cleaned the bigger windows of the house,don't tel me it's going to rain.


Just been nattering with George my old neigbour,just told him once Boris gives the green light I shall be going round Tuesday and maybe Friday if we don't have care duties over in Lancashire.Anyway he told me a couple of weeks ago the postman arrived at 17-30 Saturday,my word in my day 72-83 we were done for 09-30 and going home 10-30.Plus two deliveries Mon - Friday.Nay nay Mr Wilkes things have gone to pot.
Warm and breezy here chez Casa Reynard, but it's gone rather dark in the last half an hour or so.

I have put some potted plants outside to take advantage of the impending rain. Saves me watering the things.

Otherwise, I have spent the morning emptying all the junk out of the car and removing all the crud off the carpets and seats, as I have to take the car to the garage in the village tomorrow to get the front brakes replaced. I don't have the tools or expertise to do it myself - I'd rather let the pros loose on this one.

I also watched the state opening of parliament.
Have I missed an episode of the Higman ? :ohmy:

No, I've not done much work on it lately. :blush:

I've needed a break from the glue as I've been really struggling with the allergy issues. Plus the next stage is a bit squeaky bum, and I need some thinking time...

Have also been working more on my writing project of late.
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