Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Steak n chips tonight has made me a bit sleepy. Maybe it was the addition of peas, grilled tomato, mushrooms and Malbec? Time for bo bo's :blink:
It can't be the Malbec. Finishing a bottle kept me awake for a couple hours at least the other day.
Have I missed an episode of the Higman ? :ohmy:


We're having a new kitchen put in (we moved in last year and doesn't look like it's been touched since the 70s :laugh:) and the work starts today. So not relishing the next 2-3 weeks...particularly as the only (door) access to our back garden is through the kitchen, and it'll be inaccessible for a while due to work on the floor, etc.

Thankfully our lounge window opens just enough to fit my bike through :wahhey: just need to wipe the chain to minimise risk of incurring Mrs T's wrath...
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