I may have been a bit naughty today.
Our resident idiot neighbour 'bob the builder' dumped a load of building materials on 'shared land' 12 months ago. We left it, and since the plants have grown over it we didn't bother. A couple of weeks ago he dumped a load more building materials including wall insulation (that's going to blow away first windy day) and stacked it over 5 feet tall. It's basically fly tipping.
Chatting to my neighbour last night and she's furious about it as all she can see from her front window is this pile of rubbish. I logged the issue with the council this morning. They called me straight away. I explained I'd not seen him do it this time, so no witness, but I had got him doing it last time. Explained about his 'violent' threats when he's ever confronted. Anyway, council rep was round a couple of hours later, and whilst she was 'investigating', bob the builder's wife was leaving the house. Anyway the council person had a conversation with her - probably owned up to it being their mess. Hopefully it will be properly removed now or he'll just add to it.