Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Not sure it's even sensible, to be honest.

Sounds remarkably like crash dieting to me. :thumbsdown:
I agree. I think my calories intake would be about 1200 to 1500 per day. I use his recipes for main meals. Using "proper" ingredients means that I do not miss potatoes, pasta or rice. Lunch is as usual, but with no "low fat" spread, todays lunch was one cheese and tomato (medium sized) wholemeal roll.

I have lost nearly a stone since the middle of May, so that is three months. Partly due, I expect, to discontinuing the steroids. I am happy with that rate of loss, but then I am not, as far as I know, prediabetic, and did not gain multiple kilos during lockdown. I gained nine pounds or thereabouts during chemotherapy. It is very strange that sitting in a Chemotherapy session for four or five hours, suddenly snacks become irrestistible. I was under strict instructions not to lose weight.

The chunky fish bites were lovely. My experience led to them being not evenly coated. I like fish fingers, but find the bought ones are very salty, with not immediately identifiable content.
Discovered what was making the kitchen smelly: a potato in my recently bought bag had rotted.

Now the gooey mess at the bottom of the cupboard is gone, and I have a cleaner smelling kitchen.


Vice Admiral
I may succumb to temptation to buy a plate of cream cakes. Would you like one?

Oooooo the drama! This morning I had a visitor...

I was sitting at my computer and glanced out to the garden and saw this:
View attachment 542466

He/she had caught a sparrow and thought I might like to watch him/her eating it...
View attachment 542476

Then the catch was taken up the garden to a higher perch, where the meal was consumed
View attachment 542479

I wanted to get a shot of the bird in flight but it just sat there... for 20 minutes!
View attachment 542481

Then the drama. This guy appeared...
View attachment 542482

He gave the sparrow hawk the evils... and then struck!
View attachment 542483

Then there was a brief standoff...
View attachment 542484

... followed by another strike and both birds disappearing over the garden fence. It happened so quickly that I missed the shot altogether! So no shot of a sparrow hawk in flight today then.


There's been a sparrowhawk at work in the garden. There are a pile of wood pigeon feathers near the door to the utility room at the back of the garage.

Snap...well almost . I have made plum/cinnamon confiture today ^_^

Mmmmm, sounds good. :hungry:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Well M&S certainly know how to treat their customers . :angry:
My daughter bought me some Luxury hot cross buns and they have altered the recipe and taken a lot of the spice out . :angry: :angry:
The company has been through a number of top bosses who don't understand who buys their products! The way they are going no one
will ! :angry::angry::angry:

Much like the opinion my wife holds of their clothes.
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