Mundane News

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S W France
What is a fair price for olive oil produced from organically grown, hand picked, cold pressed olives, any ideas ?
I have seen an advertisement for such an oil, from Spain ...... 2.5 lt. including delivery to France €30. I am an olive oil addict but shame on me, l cannot for the life of me remember what l usually pay for similar, it has slipped my mind, one might say :wacko:


Has the memory of a goldfish
Oooooo the drama! This morning I had a visitor...

I was sitting at my computer and glanced out to the garden and saw this:

He/she had caught a sparrow and thought I might like to watch him/her eating it...

Then the catch was taken up the garden to a higher perch, where the meal was consumed

I wanted to get a shot of the bird in flight but it just sat there... for 20 minutes!

Then the drama. This guy appeared...

He gave the sparrow hawk the evils... and then struck!

Then there was a brief standoff...

... followed by another strike and both birds disappearing over the garden fence. It happened so quickly that I missed the shot altogether! So no shot of a sparrow hawk in flight today then.

I make the (easy) mistake of calling them plums, but they are damsons on the trees at the end of my garden. They are so bitter, that they need 90 pounds of sugar to make palatable jam. Someone suggested chutney instead.

They'll be bullaces then, not damsons. I have both in my garden, btw.

Damsons are sour, but not bitter (they are the plum equivalent of morello cherries) and make the most *DIVINE* jam.

Bullaces are ghastly and are good for nowt but the wasps. Chutney made from them, where you are combining them with vinegar, would be unpalatable. DAMHIKT...
Plum chutney is simmering away. Still a fair while away from being ready, but I couldn't resist a taste. :blush:

First you get the plum, then it's like, hmmm, there's definitely a good bit of ginger in this, and then *KABOOM*

That'll be the chipotle chillies... :crazy:


Leg End Member
We have a black bin which is all black bin which is all black A brown bin 🗑 all brown and a so called blue bin which is black with a blue lid Just to help all us old wrinkles out the local council send us a calendar to indicate which bin to put out in the appropriate week😜😜😜
Ours did the same, as did the contractor doing the collections. The two didn't match each other though.


Leg End Member
I make the (easy) mistake of calling them plums, but they are damsons on the trees at the end of my garden. They are so bitter, that they need 90 pounds of sugar to make palatable jam. Someone suggested chutney instead.

In other news, this evening I will be trying Michael Mosley's version of Fish in Batter, aka Chunky Fish Bites. I have got the correct ingredients, which includes quick cook polenta and ground almonds. It is the final (of three) of his programmes tonight on um... Channel Four. I have been using his recipes for my main meal of the day. No tatoes, chips, crisps, chocolate etc. The weight is slowly reducing, which is good, as it shows the changes to my diet are sustainable.

His human "guinea pigs" on the tv programme are sticking to 800 calories per day for three weeks. As I am still in recovery mode from serious illness, that, I guess would be too extreme. They managed to gain lots of weight during the lockdown, and some have been described as "pre-diabetic".
That's lower than is recommended for the ketogenic diet.
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