Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Anyhow, somebody had left half of a large Victoria Sponge cake at work with a "help yourself" note when I got in this afternoon. So I did.

They can take the empty container home on Wednesday.

I think the idea may have been just cut yourself a slce🍰🧁🥧😇


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Since there seems to be a black bin/weather obsession at the moment , here's another four pence worth . Actually there are no black bin thingies here but there is weather and l have just noticed that high whispery cloud has developed into a "mackerel sky" ...a change in the weather is on the way ?
Mackerel sky, not 24 hours dry. Though I'd give it about 6 hours.


Legendary Member
Since there seems to be a black bin/weather obsession at the moment , here's another four pence worth . Actually there are no black bin thingies here but there is weather and l have just noticed that high whispery cloud has developed into a "mackerel sky" ...a change in the weather is on the way ?

We have a black bin which is all black bin which is all black A brown bin 🗑 all brown and a so called blue bin which is black with a blue lid Just to help all us old wrinkles out the local council send us a calendar to indicate which bin to put out in the appropriate week😜😜😜
You're socks are wrong.

As is your grammar. :whistle:


Vice Admiral
It's :rain: here chez Casa Reynard.

Poppy has brought in some rodent or other, and we have the traditional Mexican standoff by the credenza in the dining room.

I spent the morning preparing ingredients. I shall be making gingered plum chutney after lunch.

I make the (easy) mistake of calling them plums, but they are damsons on the trees at the end of my garden. They are so bitter, that they need 90 pounds of sugar to make palatable jam. Someone suggested chutney instead.

In other news, this evening I will be trying Michael Mosley's version of Fish in Batter, aka Chunky Fish Bites. I have got the correct ingredients, which includes quick cook polenta and ground almonds. It is the final (of three) of his programmes tonight on um... Channel Four. I have been using his recipes for my main meal of the day. No tatoes, chips, crisps, chocolate etc. The weight is slowly reducing, which is good, as it shows the changes to my diet are sustainable.

His human "guinea pigs" on the tv programme are sticking to 800 calories per day for three weeks. As I am still in recovery mode from serious illness, that, I guess would be too extreme. They managed to gain lots of weight during the lockdown, and some have been described as "pre-diabetic".
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