Mundane News

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MrsPete and I are off to B&M soon to purchase some rinse aid.
I don't seem to remember that concert ! :whistle:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Sometimes you just have to say what the hell and let rip.
Life's too short to hang back.. Live for the moment :cuppa:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Closed the Caravan today for the winter. :sad: Just 5 months until the next Cycle Chat MTB Weekend - early/mid April. ^_^

On another note, the road in front of my house is covered in grey Welsh Forest Mud. My son has pulled his wheels off his car to get in with the jet wash - he was at Wales Rally last month and it's been a right job getting it all off. The mud is in every knook and cranny (and now over the road). He'll be washing it away !!
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