Mundane News

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Leg End Member
I took a wrong turning yesterday and had to ride almost fifty metres to get back onto my route.

I didn't today, in case you're wondering.
You mean almost 164 feet 0.504 inches!


Leg End Member
Oops I missed this question.

I cunningly followed a trail between the upper and lower cemetry carparks and thus avoided (1) climbing and (2) having to double back to get back onto my route.

Apologies for the delayed response, counselling may be available to those affected...
You lost an "e" on your diversion. IF you're quick enough it may still be there.


Legendary Member
Sitting here with Winnie asleep next to me and Frankie asleep on my lap keeping warm, looking out the window at the tree .

We’re having a new boiler fitted on Tuesday, meanwhile freezing 🥶.
Have you or could you buy a fan heater for the time being ?
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