Mundane News

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Off to my nice comfy bed via the intermediate stops of Wooden Hill and Hot Bath.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Today is reformation day in Germany and as we are in a majority Protestant state it's a public holiday.

Meteorological rules being the same here as everywhere else, after a week of sunshine, it's overcast.

Honestly. Eighteen years living here and I still get confused: today is if course All Saints Day: Reformation Day was yesterday.

Strangely even though we are a protestant state we seem to observe Catholic holidays, so yesterday was normal and today is a public holiday.

On the plus side this has confused the weather sufficiently that we are seeing sunshine.


Lovely stuff
That London
This really is "mundane" news...

In 2014, a subculture emerged in Japan called jimi halloween (地味ハロウィン), or “mundane Halloween.” It was started by a group of adults at Daily Portal Z who “kind of wanted to participate in the festivities of Halloween, but were too embarrassed to go all out in witch or zombie costumes.” So instead of the flashy and flamboyant costumes they had been seeing gain popularity in Japan, they decided to dress up in mundane, everyday costumes.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Bit of bargain hunting going on.

My old Halfords pressure washer works very well, but the hose is on it's last legs. Been struggling to find any 'spares' so a bit of time googling and found a hose that in the review said it fitted their Halfords pressure washer (same model). Ordered it and it fits perfect. £18 rather than a new washer.

No1 son's front car tyres are getting low - he's not had the car long, but has racked up a few thousand. He is somewhat 'skint' at the minute but new tyres are north of £100 each (fat low profile Bridgestones). It just happens to be his birthday shortly, and I've sourced 2 'nearly new' tyres of the same type for £80 delivered with 7mm of tread (new is 8mm). Just got to have them fitted and balanced. PS I wasn't spending £200 on his birthday as he's had quite a lot of money from us to get the car. Will just wrap them up and tell him to get them fitted.
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