So off to the tip in Witchford. Everything disposed of in the correct skip. Also had a peruse of their sales area. Bikes are still really spendy - £70 to £80 for adult bikes, £25 - £40 for junior bikes. All bikes sold as seen, and tend to be the cheaper ones.
I did spot a couple of bits that
@biggs682 might be interested in though. A Raleigh Banana bare frame (18-23 gas pipe) in very good condition, although it could be the modern repro, and a Claude Butler Majestic in 531, mostly a bare frame, but with chainrings and cranks still attached. Paint is a little scuffed, but largely OK. Both frames look to be big-ish, probably 23 inches. I wonder if they belonged to the same person... They're £40 each. Not brilliant, but not bad if you've the parts to build them up. Will post pics and details later in the appropriate thread.
Now sat beside the fire with a

and some chocolate-covered marzipan thing.