Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from a mostly cloudy and, from what I can see of the trees the other side of the rail line, a breezy Suffolk. There's a load of towels being done on a long and warm wash thanks to solar & battery power.

Coffee has long been had and I've decided not to bother going to Snetterton this afternoon. Instead a quiet day will be had locally with possibly a bit of food & drink shopping before settling myself in front of the TV & radio for a combination of the IMSA racing from America & football.


Legendary Member
Flaming Talksprout radio - yet again they wanted me to sign back in just to check the schedules on the app and yet again I've had to reset the password as I couldn't remember it.


All at sea⛵
It's been a bright, mostly sunny and occasionally showery day here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not sleep terribly well, no particular reason, just restless. Have had a busy kind of day. The morning was spent sorting out and putting away yesterday evening's shopping, dealing with assorted packagine and checking the contents of my fruit & veg trays. I dealt with the fridgeables last night, but left everything else in the car as it was raining. Also did a load of laundry.

Realised I forgot to buy a jar of honey, a box of long matches, some washing up liquid and some doggie birthday pressies aka a couple of jumbones. No matter, I haven't run out of the first three, and I'll be doing a tip run at some point in the next few days, so I can always stop by Aldi and B&M on the way home.

Lovely luncheon of rye toast, taramasalata, wensleydale, fruit and a :cuppa:

This afternoon, I chopped up a load of firewood, finally got round to doing disinfecting and washing up another batch of cookware after the mousey intrusion, and a friend popped by for her share of last night's YS buys - she was well chuffed with the tea. Also found the time to keep an eye on the action from the Cheltenham festival.

Now sat by the fire with a :cuppa: and a biskit.

Try the app AnyList. Works well for us, as a couple. You can share lists and avoid duplicate or null purchases
Oh and of course it's free


Legendary Member
Slow progress over in the magpie nest. They seem to clock off around 9am. I wonder whether they are doing their twig twiddling at a second site. Mind you, the forecast moderate breeze is a bit immoderate this morning and the tree's branches are having a bit of a dance so perhaps it doesn't feel like nest building weather.

The males make a nest then try to entice a 'hen' to come to them


Itching to get back on my bike's
Both of the lawns have been cut
Time for some rugby


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
The early start for bathroom tile browsing was cut short by the one tile shop that was supposed to be open Saturday mornings being closed and a second only wanting to quote for an entire bathroom re-build, so the third tile shop - who were very helpful - will probably get the job. Tile shop 1 may be visited by my father early next week, but probably not.

Smelly, mouldy carpet and furniture tip run done. It was under 2 minutes away so two trips with windows open was fine.

That left lots of time for lunch and a useful discussion/tour of the house talking about dressing it for sale once the flood damage is all dealt with and new carpets are down. That was hopefully helpful as my father has a clearer idea of what he wants to move to and to take with him; i.e. the furniture from two large houses that's been stuffed into a bungalow won't all be going back as it was AND he can't take it all with him when he downsizes even further.


Legendary Member
Went out for a couple of hours late morning/early afternoon and boy was it cold in the strengthening wind - the readings off Strava show:
Temperature 6 ℃
Feels like -1 ℃
Wind Speed 14.1 mi/h
Wind Direction ENE
Definitely made the right decision not to go and stand in an old airfield in south Norfolk today and the mug of coffee I had when I got home was much needed.

Tempted to have a quick snooze before cooking something for tea.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Nothing much today (supposed to be none weight bearing). Dropped daughter off at boyfriends, picked up some shopping from the supermarket, swept the path/road outside the house - build up of gravel and winter debris mainly, gave the van's alloys a good scrub on the inner rims and cleaned up a couple of grubby areas under the bonnet. Now cooking corn beef hash - yum, not had it for ages and ages.
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