It's been a lovely sunny and very pleasantly warm day here chez Casa Reynard after a frosty start.
Slept reasonably well. Had a little bit of an unintentional lie in - the old wake up too early and turn over in bed thing, and the next you know it's an hour and a half later... That curtailed the morning somewhat, but I did manage to catch up on everything as I didn't meet up with a friend for out weekly dog walk today, as she had to attend a meeting at the village hall.
Lovely luncheon of wholemeal toast, marinated anchovies, camembert, fruit and a
Spent the afternoon lumberjilling in the garden. As all the snowdrops and daffs are up in the wood, I don't want to squash them with the mower and trailer, so was working closer to home, dealing with some dead bullaces that I marked for felling back in the autumn. The wood is still decent enough, but by next winter it will have deteriorated too far to use for firewood, so might as well use it now, and tidy up the garden at the same time. I was out there for two hours and just really enjoyed the sunshine, fresh air and exercise.
Now sat by the fire with a