Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Second cuppa going down well.

Another hard decision made went for jam over lemon curd

If you put jam on top of lemon curd, and mix it up, you will have an orangey mess.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear

You don't like the media, fine. But the whole point here is to read *around* a subject - from all angles, not just the ones you agree with or believe in. Hermann Goering knew that very well, and worked on the premise that the average person doesn't. Which, some nine decades down the line, seems to have been forgotten. Yet again.

And your comments have proven that you've been influenced by their lies, your TDS is an example.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Cassie home from her sleepover, She was on her best behaviour, unfortunately the pup was not. We had an afternoon walk, for a change, met a few people, some of whom couldn't resist giving her treats & a little girl who made a fuss of her, while she was waiting for me to get the ball out. She then had to watch a father & son play football. They do say you should never let a BC play with a ball.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Is Marmite a foodstuff or an adhesive?

Should milk be poured in the mug before or after the tea?

How many times per day is it mandatory to say "it's cold" between November and March?

Queue-jumping in the Post Office: Is capital punishment appropriate?

It's been a mild, grey and very blustery day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept reasonably well for once. Today's plan of doing more lumberjilling was shelved on account of the gusty conditions - it's daft to fell or cut back stuff if you can't drop it safely. And then there's the matter of the sawdust getting inside my clothing.

Ergo I had a bit of a kitchen morning. Skimmed and strained the beef stock. I have a nice little pot of beef dripping to use for frying, a tub of meat picked from the bones, the cooked vegetables (which will go into the next pot of soup), and a couple of pints of really nice stock. Now that the stock is refrigerated, I will need a knife to slice it. It's set solid! Also divided up that kilo pack of bacon into three. One third I kept back to use, the other two portions are in the freezer.

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with mortadella, one with Abondances cheese, some fruit and a :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon getting a workout in the garage, splitting logs. I've now got enough split to last me till about Monday-ish.

Now sat by the fire with a :cuppa:


An afternoon filled with wrong information from idiots

You were not alone, albeit its been like that most of the week. If not wrong in itself results in something they sent earlier now being wrong.
And Monday will arrive too quickly.
Post WAH visit to Waitrose as milk and cottage pie were amongst the weeks vouchers, and former definitely needed for breakfast if not earlier.
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