Mundane News

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Weather sort of behaved itself better than I was expecting. Office day and initially it looked a predicted wash out for lunchtime but it wasn't and an Asda trek accomplished. Around 2 it was torrential but cleared up to allow for the planned visit on an elongated route home.
Have a strange Amazon delivery apparently turning up this evening, not sure what it is.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Back from a 5 hour ride that may have involved a pub lunch with a friend.
A grey, blustery and ridiculously mild day here chez Casa Reynard. Overnight rain though, leaving everything a bit squelchy.

Slept reasonably well despite my joints creaking like a rusty gate. Have had a fairly gentle day today. Kitchening in the morning mainly. Added a bunch of parsley, some sage and rosemary to the beef stock and let it simmer for a few more hours. Turned the venison sausages into meatballs (basically snipped each sausage into four), and set them to braise in the crock pot with some beef stock, shallots, garlic and juniper berries. Will be adding some other bits to that later.

Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with the last of the ham (accompanied by a dab of mustard), and the other with some of that very fine cave-aged cheddar, plus some fruit and a :cuppa:

Split some logs this afternoon, and have spent the remainder of the time pulling some bits out of my archive and scanning them, as per request, for the editor of the website with the shonky article. Turns out they're based in the US, so wouldn't have had ready access to stuff that I consider pretty standard, such as Autosport and Motoring News. And it's compounded by some of the relevant publication archives being behind a paywall.

Just sat by the fire now having a :cuppa: and a biskit.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
When all news outlets are reporting on the same story, it can hardly be classed as propaganda. Regardless of the political slant. Or non-slant as is the case for the BBC.

And as someone who has had close family members murdered in Dachau and in the Katyń Massacre, not because they were Jewish, but because they were liberal intellectuals who were seen as a threat by both the Nazi and Stalinist regimes respectively, I have more cause than most to notice the parallels. And it makes me uncomfortable.

It's called the MSM & we learnt how it lies to us during COVID.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Hate the government Leaders, though, not the people. I did what I could to prevent this. In another year and a half, tides will start turning.

There seems to be rather a lot of political comment of late.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I slept with the bedroom window open last night. First time this year, I think.

4kg of coffee plus postage or 5kg with free postage? 5kg it is then.

Extraordinarily warm today, I wore a jumper for walking the dog, which was a mistake. Neighbour commented on how the temperature had risen.

In other news, Cassie is having a sleepover at my son's to see how she & their puppy, who now weighs the same as her, get on.
It's called the MSM & we learnt how it lies to us during COVID.


You don't like the media, fine. But the whole point here is to read *around* a subject - from all angles, not just the ones you agree with or believe in. Hermann Goering knew that very well, and worked on the premise that the average person doesn't. Which, some nine decades down the line, seems to have been forgotten. Yet again.
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