Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
I can see across the fields to Bozest straight so it must be clearing up
Looking for potential schools for Beautiful Daughter. We still have a three tier system in this state, with Gymnasium (Grammar school) Realschule (Secondary tech) and Werkrealschule (Secondary modern). All my lads graduated from Realschule, but Beautiful Daughter's grades mean she's been recommended for Gymnasium.

Once again I'm started by the amount of choice (small towns have two Gymnasium schools specialised in different things) and how small the schools are, about 800 pupils. Each school has a couple of main areas that is focuses on, on sciences or arts or language, but they all assume that everyone can speak German and English, and they offer a third language, in the case of science-based schools this is Latin, egads.

It's all a bit confusing but bearing in mind Beautiful Daughter can already speak and write fluently in English, German, and Japanese, I reckon she'll manage it...


A brief but welcome☀️ and a higher than predicted temperature resulting in the car getting a wash. Showing how dreary it has
been the leather was still damp from its previous use.
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As long as I breathe, I attack.
6 hours overtime this morning then home for a quick dinner followed by trip to local hardware store to get a new pull switch for the bathroom as it broke last night at bedtime leaving the light on.
Fixed the light then spent a couple of hours padding the wall and gate in readiness for the new car as its a bit wider than the old one and the gate is narrow so i have put foam padding ang reflective stripes along it and cut more out of the post at wing mirror height.
Given the bike a quick wash and now its sarnie time whist it dries before i lube it ready for next week, lights on charge .
Mrs ck is sitting there having a strop for unknown reasons and will not talk or answer anything .
It's been a chilly but occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, and much more pleasant than yesterday.

Did not sleep well. First, the brain wouldn't switch off. After I signed off here, I ended up pulling bits out of my archive for the editor overseeing that error-strewn article. What I thought might be a half hour to find the relevant references and zip off a quick e-mail ended up taking me nearly three hours. Whoops. And then my back started to remind me that it wasn't happy with things.

I slept in this morning, which helped somewhat. Spent the morning splitting logs, as the stuff that I've hauled in off the fence is much to big to fit in the grate as is - most of it is in the region of 8 to 12 inches in diameter. Unfortunately big lumps have their issue - half of one squirted off the axe and landed with some brio on my poorly foot. Ouch!

I've been finding it uncomfortable to drive as it is, but I think that's now kiboshed any though of going to Race Retro on Friday. I already was in two minds about it given it's £30 to get in, and I'll need about the same in fuel as it's over the two hours to get to Stoneleigh (it's a venue used a lot for cat shows), but I'm not sure it's a good idea to drive for four hours and then trot around a motor show all day.

Lovely luncheon of a ham, cheese & coleslaw sandwich, fruit and a :cuppa:

I'm now making marmalade.
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