Mundane News

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Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
It's Black Bin Day today.

I've been out of the loop on bin news as I've not been in here much for a while.

But I regret to inform all binsters that I missed it today. Fortunately it was blue bin day so can stand a missed turn.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Careful you'll probably pass @Reynard on the stairs

That'll be confusing in the middle of the night as I live in a bungalow 😂
Another grey, damp, chilly and miserable day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept reasonably well. Spent the morning moving and dealing with firewood - the area where I dumped all those large chunks of mulberry, pine and cherry plum is nearly cleared. One more go should see that done. The bottom layer is partially rotten, so it was a good decision to tackle this while it's been too soggy to go into the garden.

Had a lovely luncheon of a ham, cheddar and mustard sandwich, fruit and a :cuppa:

This afternoon has been vacuumed up by assorted kitchen tasks, as I'm doing a spot of batch cooking.

Have just had a :cuppa: and a biskit while watching the evening news, and now it's time for me to duck back into the kitchen.
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