Mundane News

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What has ROSPA got to say about pedestrians? A young woman almost walked straight into me as I cycled through Lacock today. She walked straight across the road without looking, straight at me, I shouted at her to watch out! She was totally oblivious to me being there. If I was an electric car she would have gone oops bouncy bouncy crash! She wasn't on a mobile phone like most Jaywalkers are. People just don't seem to look these days.


My surgery has received the results of the aortic CT scans and I have not one but two - ! :eek:
Both are well within 'tolerable limits', so it's repeat scans every six months and immediate medication unless anything goes base over apex in the meantime. :okay: Odd thing is that I wasn't even aware I had them. They were revealed by chance by my GP when investigating my suspected Spignial Hernia.
Well, whaddya know - ! :laugh:
What has ROSPA got to say about pedestrians? A young woman almost walked straight into me as I cycled through Lacock today. She walked straight across the road without looking, straight at me, I shouted at her to watch out! She was totally oblivious to me being there. If I was an electric car she would have gone oops bouncy bouncy crash! She wasn't on a mobile phone like most Jaywalkers are. People just don't seem to look these days.

that might catch up to them at some point, eh?
My surgery has received the results of the aortic CT scans and I have not one but two - ! :eek:
Both are well within 'tolerable limits', so it's repeat scans every six months and immediate medication unless anything goes base over apex in the meantime. :okay: Odd thing is that I wasn't even aware I had them. They were revealed by chance by my GP when investigating my suspected Spignial Hernia.
Well, whaddya know - ! :laugh:

2 what?


First working day of the week completed and still no new manager. Still no real idea of what I'm doing. Our work is being reviewed now at least, but the people reviewing it all have different ways of doing things so you make the recommended corrections, then it gets reviewed again by one of the others who wants it put back to how it was. :banghead:

My knee still hurts since last week's fall and is quite stiff.
It's been a cool and grey day here chez Casa Reynard, but no frost. There is still a good inch of ice on the planters though.

Slept well. Kitchen stuff and wood stuff was done this morning. I took a shoulder of lamb out of the freezer - one of the last two survivors from the old freezer, and also of a "holiday" in a friend's freezer. I shall slow roast that tomorrow.

Cheese on toast, fruit and a :cuppa: for luncheon.

Then off out to do the errands and stuff that I didn't do last week. Picked up parental's prescription, resupplied myself with antihistamines, did a shopette at Aldi (that was just over the £20) and bought myself a new pair of walking boots in the Mountain Warehouse clearance sale.

Yes, I did get the pink ones from the kiddies' sizes. The advantage of having small plates of meat - no VAT on kid's footwear. I *could* have got a pair in the same style in a more sensible colour from the ladies' range, but that would've cost me £20 more for the privilege. And since they're only to go dog walking with a friend, I really don't care much about the colour - they'll only get mucky anyways.

A supper of turkey & vegetable soup and a plate of bitsas from the fridge. There are now no more leftovers, so I can start again tomorrow.

Now watching the snooker whilst having a :cuppa:
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