It's been a brrrrrrrrright and chhhhhhilllly day here chez Casa Reynard.
Did not sleep any better than middling. Spent the morning with a friend walking some local trails with her dogs. Then some chores to round off the time left before luncheon.
After a luncheon of smoked salmon mousse on toast, some fruit and a

it was off into town to do a spot of erranding. Most places seemed to have shut early today which meant I couldn't do some things I wanted to so, but the art shop was open, and I now have a suitable supply of sticky labels that, well, stick. The ones on the large roll in the kitchen cupboard have lost their ability to adhere to things - whether that is just a temporary thing on this particular part of the roll or whether it applies to the whole roll, I do not know, but I am now prepared for all labelling eventualities.
Ducked into Mountain Warehouse to see what they had in the sale. Most of their sale fleeces have hoods, which isn't what I'm after. They do have a load of merino base layers, but I didn't really have over much time to check them out. I will be going back though, as I saw some walking boots that might do me for £30. Yes, they are screaming pink, but they'll be fine for dog walking. As long as they keep my feet dry, since my current ones leak.
OK, my current ones are also from Mountain Warehouse, and I've been so-so with them - I spent £80 on them about eight years ago. They took a while to break in (oooh, the blisters!) and while they are not comfortable on hard surfaces (too jarring), they've been great on grass / mud. Until they developed that damn leak. Both feet leak, and I've not really been able to figure out where, how and why. So while the sale price on the pink ones are good, I'm a bit meh and half thinking I should get something from
Decathlon instead.
After that, went for petrol and while I was there, popped into Tesco for two bags of cranberries for the freezer now that my friend has taken her share of the turkey. Also picked up a large pack of smoked mackerel on YS that was 40% off, and in the clearances, half a kilo of "finest" stilton for £1.58. They had half a dozen boxes or so, but I'm not sure what I'd do with three kilos of stilton, even though it pained me somewhat to take only one LOL!
Supper was turkey noodle soup, spazele with a creamy onion & stuffing sauce and steamed broccoli.
A quiet evening is planned.