It's been a sunny but slightly chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.
Slept ok-ish. Pulled out of the weekly dog walk as my knee still isn't right. Although I did spend some time in the garden rounding up some firewood. There is a lot of deadfall that's worth cutting up for logs - ordinarily I'd just drag it in, but I will take the mower and trailer as it will make my life easier. I also did some laundry.
Skipped luncheon as the snottage is still proving to be an issue, and went grocery shopping this afternoon. Didn't go for final reductions in Tesco, but got lucky on sticker nonetheless. For things I want to buy / are on my list, a 40% discount is still pretty handy. Some things were reduced by up to 60%...
Picked up haddock in beer batter, three packs of ham (two sliced, one ham pieces), a pack of spicy cooked chicken, a job lot of baking potatoes, green beans, pears and a cob bread from the ISB.
Went for petrol, and then stopped off at Waitrose on the way home (I have to drive past anyway) to buy some herrings and my favourite peppermint sweets that Tesco no longer stock. Got lucky in there as they were clearing the counters, and got a large piece of wild pacific salmon and three whole sea bass on sticker.
Soup, a roast beef sandwich and a

for supper. Now having a quiet evening.