Showers of rain but mostly a clear day tho' still very cold.
Jabbed for flu and covid this morning before driving down to the ferry terminal.
Some spectacularly bad and bad mannered driving and the single track road was a bit hard work with oncoming rally wonks who all think they are superior drivers and you should just get out of their way. I did meet one lot who tried to make me reverse a few hundred yards rather than twenty yards for them but they could not and went up the verge instead.
Cannot find the post just now but the doctor's surgery report phone problems and asks us the bare with them till it is fixed.
Quite appropriate I think and I did resist the urge to make quip in reply.
Ferry crossing was smooth and viz not bad so could see down the Firth of Lorne and pick out Jura and the tips of Islay mountains.
Very nostalgic as I used to sail around there. Once my crew member nearly got chucked overboard as he did not take the compass course I had given but though it a good idea to take a shortcut through the Torran Rocks while I was down below in the cabin consulting charts. We did get through unscathed but only by celestial help.