Mundane News

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Expensive bit of weeding. Decided to remove the moss growing on top of the largely now leafless hosta planter only to discover the roots were growing out of the surface.. Larger planter bought (B&Q 18 inch circular rather than 13 x 13) and ended up with two trips to a nursery for John Innes no.3 as the first bagful was plainly insufficient.
England have just beaten Bangladesh by 21 runs in their opening game of the T20 World Cup.

Another :cuppa: is called for.


Early evening walk done once back I sat outside with :cuppa: enjoying there last of days sunshine. Bought the washing in then called it a day as it was getting chilly as the sun was fading. Timed it right as the house was still a bit warm from the days sun. Closed the windows so should see the chill off for rest of the evening.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I find most shops impossible to tolerate. Too much noise, bright lights, people rushing everywhere with no consideration for others. The last time I was in a big supermarket was in 2006! It was too much for me.

I think it is because I was "forced" into a pace set by other people. I now know that my brain works in a different way to most other people.
Some supermarkets run an 'autism hour' where the lights are dimmed and music turned off with no announcements. You might be OK with that?
Fed the cat, had soup and bread & butter for supper, and now sat back having a furkle on the Bay of E


Leg End Member
Well… it is supposed to be mundane stuff. If it were “Exciting News” I’d have posted pictures of a nice ham sandwich.
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Vice Admiral
The truth may be stranger than fiction. On Strictly Come Dancing. the lady with Indian heritage said that when she was four years old, and living in Glasgow, she never saw young girls doing Indian dancing on television.

When I was four years old, I was living in India and trying to learn to dance. I could never remember all the hand and finger placement.
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