Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Is that 1973?

Not with the company I work for.. 😂


Threat of some wet stuff this morning. It cooled down last evening after an afternoon cutting back buddleia, largely the overhang of the neighbours unkept garden. Still more to do but the Friday emptied garden bin is full again.
♻ remains kerbside.
£££ expensive morning likely as I have an eye test.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a dull & overcast Suffolk. There's a little bit of that fine, misty drizzle in the air and it's quite cool compared to what we've had recently. I was woken at about quarter past five this morning by the dawn chorus supplied solely by screeching gulls and I'll be happy if I never hear another one.

Coffee is in the process of being drunk ahead of going up to Snetterton for the day. I may take a bike for a gentle ride around the lanes at some point in the day - either during the lunch beak or a 90 minute enduro - but the earlier planned trip across to Thetford is no longer needed.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Up late for a 13 mile pootle picked up some crumble ingredients from the side of the road.


Overcast but dry and not much breeze so ideal cycling weather.

First cuppa went down well.
I need to trim my eyebrows.

Also, I just sneezed.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
New Laptop Day for me. Waiting for postie to deliver it. Our 10 year old HP 17" i7 (4th gen) is starting to fall to bits. Some keys not working and the hinges are holding on with hot melt glue. Decided against new, so looked for a refurb. Gone with a Lenovo Yoga, mainly as I know their build quality is much better than most others. I had a T470 with work for a few years, which has been replaced by a HP Elite book - the HP is pretty flimsy and we are seeing lots of broken ones at work.

Hopefully, with a machine designed to be folded in two, the hinges will be much stronger. Our old HP is still a fast machine, but the case is falling to bits. The new one is an i7 11th Gen !

My 3rd Gen I5 elite books were built like tanks, still running well, one has a replacement keyboard. My wife's 18 month old isn't nearly as well built. her previous Lenovo spilt screws until the hinge just started to fracture. I think that the clue is to buy 2nd hand pro machines, not new domestic ones.
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