Mundane News

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Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with the last of the black pepper Fuet salami, one with cheddar & pineapple chutney, plus a nectarine, an orange and two :cuppa:

Have furkled out the paperwork for the insurance - good job the parental is more organized than me - and fortunately one of the two policies involved runs till September. So a bit of elastic on that one. Ergo it's only the one that just ran out that I will need to sort. I am swinging towards Option B right now. That is on the agenda for tomorrow.

In other news, my bicycle tyres have turned up. Mum was most amused that they have arrived in a small shoe box.

Listening to TMS right now.
Oh, and if anyone wonders why I'm sat listening to TMS instead of doing some grass cutting, it's raining. Again.


Overcast and cold feeling day with a morning spell of rain.
Stupid work computer system this morning refused to save added text to an entry. Transpired the entry was as a result too long. Didn't mention that.
New peanut feeder hung out to make full use of the hooks on the bird feeder pole. They didn't seem to eat much yesterday but this afternoon have given the seeds and suet balls a demolishing. The latter along with the peanuts being in squirrel proof holders.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
A strange object has appeared on a lampost on our street. I looks a bit like Darth Vader's helment but I suspect it is the work of Elon Musk or one of his fellow Lizard People. Have any of the parishioners got an idea of its purpose?


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Well the weather hadn’t changed landed in the cold and rain just like normal really.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cloudy but bright sums up today's weather tho' it was mostly sunshine when I drove down to Craignure this morning.
Forty two miles driven for an x ray which took less than 10 minutes.
Local politics gets very murky and there was much anger in the north end of the island after much fund raising for a new hospital when it was decided to site it as far from the majority of the population as feasable to please the vocal minority in the south. About three quarters of the population is north of Salen where the old hospital was.
I seem to have struck it lucky with the timing as the road was remarkably quiet as it was between ferry landings but I did not enjoy the drive. I used to enjoy driving but now it is just a chore.
When I mentioned the yacht race to Tobermory I forgot that it then continued on to Armadale on Skye next day which was probably why the committee boat was out in the bay as a start line end.
After the drive this morning I feel washed out and very tired so did nothing much for the rest of the day.
If I survive until 0430 tomorrow morning I will be 89.


Legendary Member
Cloudy but bright sums up today's weather tho' it was mostly sunshine when I drove down to Craignure this morning.
Forty two miles driven for an x ray which took less than 10 minutes.
Local politics gets very murky and there was much anger in the north end of the island after much fund raising for a new hospital when it was decided to site it as far from the majority of the population as feasable to please the vocal minority in the south. About three quarters of the population is north of Salen where the old hospital was.
I seem to have struck it lucky with the timing as the road was remarkably quiet as it was between ferry landings but I did not enjoy the drive. I used to enjoy driving but now it is just a chore.
When I mentioned the yacht race to Tobermory I forgot that it then continued on to Armadale on Skye next day which was probably why the committee boat was out in the bay as a start line end.
After the drive this morning I feel washed out and very tired so did nothing much for the rest of the day.
If I survive until 0430 tomorrow morning I will be 89.

Happy birthday for tomorrow 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Cloudy but bright sums up today's weather tho' it was mostly sunshine when I drove down to Craignure this morning.
Forty two miles driven for an x ray which took less than 10 minutes.
Local politics gets very murky and there was much anger in the north end of the island after much fund raising for a new hospital when it was decided to site it as far from the majority of the population as feasable to please the vocal minority in the south. About three quarters of the population is north of Salen where the old hospital was.
I seem to have struck it lucky with the timing as the road was remarkably quiet as it was between ferry landings but I did not enjoy the drive. I used to enjoy driving but now it is just a chore.
When I mentioned the yacht race to Tobermory I forgot that it then continued on to Armadale on Skye next day which was probably why the committee boat was out in the bay as a start line end.
After the drive this morning I feel washed out and very tired so did nothing much for the rest of the day.
If I survive until 0430 tomorrow morning I will be 89.

i will say happy birthday now in case the candles burn the house down
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