Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
We have a hoppy pigeon in our garden..


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Very strange weather.
Brief spells of sunshine followed by torrential rain then another 15 minutes sunshine and so it goes on all day.

Somebody planning on cycling Fort William to Fort Augustus or vice versa wants to know which direction is best for cycling.
Does not matter either way as he plans to take the train back which ever way.
Nobody has enough knowledge to tell him there is no railway and so unlikely to be any trains.:wacko:


Legendary Member
Remind me, what do we do when there's no football on TV?

You can stop shouting at the TV when there's no football.
It's been a cool, breezy and showery day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept OK-ish, but not brilliantly, as a result of being a bit stiff and a bit too chilly. Had a quiet morning. Did some writing, did some laundry and puttered about catching up on those little things that needed doing. The afternoon was spent in a pretty similar way.

I did go out for a short and gentle bicycular bimble this afternoon, just to get the legs turning over. Any thought of staying out a wee bit longer went right out of the window when it started raining - so I did an about face and came home. Rain was that light and persistent stuff that somehow manages to get you wet through far more quickly than expected. Still, feel all the better for having gone out.

Am planning on a quiet and relaxed evening.


Legendary Member
It's been a cool, breezy and showery day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept OK-ish, but not brilliantly, as a result of being a bit stiff and a bit too chilly. Had a quiet morning. Did some writing, did some laundry and puttered about catching up on those little things that needed doing. The afternoon was spent in a pretty similar way.

I did go out for a short and gentle bicycular bimble this afternoon, just to get the legs turning over. Any thought of staying out a wee bit longer went right out of the window when it started raining - so I did an about face and came home. Rain was that light and persistent stuff that somehow manages to get you wet through far more quickly than expected. Still, feel all the better for having gone out.

Am planning on a quiet and relaxed evening.

I don't have a TV!

I just observed a lot of people shouting at TVs in pubs in Scotland when I was having my dinner so assumed it must be the correct way to watch this strange game.
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