Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
When we were living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in was a fifth floor flat. My bedroom window was facing, and very close to, the Minaret. The Prayers sounded very loud indeed.

They are a sound to behold, aren't they!! 🔊 🔊
I lived in the Jordan Valley a while back and in Old Jerusalem & the West Bank they really gave it the beans!!!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The world has mostly vanished into the mist with viz down to a few hundred yards.
Postal vote is in the box which is hidden behind a bush but still emptied daily as I see the van stop there.
We seem a bit neglected as I only got bumph from the useless LD candidate who seems to be standing on two platforms and from the SNP who are the current holders.
Liebour, Toorie and assorted Indies have made no approaches whatsoever.

The Oban problems seem to be a bit complicated and involve an alleged hit and run in one part of town and the discovery of a body by the roadside outside of town.
The FB page dealing with the local traffic has been suspended by the mods due to volume of comment and questions.
I will give AO one last try later - via Paypal. If that doesn't work, I shall go to Cambridge after the weekend and order instead from the big Currys on the Newmarket Road.

Not my preferred option given their not-so-great customer service, but at least in person I will a) be able to talk to a human being face to face and b) have multiple ways of paying.
I gave up on doing anything constructive, and sat out in the garden for an hour with a book. Now back to doing some writing.

Before I try anything else regarding the fridge freezer, I will speak to my bank. Card unfrozen again thank goodness, but I shall avail myself of the 24hr live chat later (it's too busy during office hours) and get them to authorise the payment. I'm just really puzzled as to why it's not going through. *headscratch*


Legendary Member
Bikes are free on Calmac but they make noises about restricted numbers. I think I read somewhere that somebody somewhere had their travel restricted but no idea of the circumstances and never heard of it happening here. Not so far tried a trike tho’ my local booking office says if it is manually propelled it is free. I have seen e bikes going aboard with no obvious problems.

Edit. Manually includes leg power of course.

Calmac services are very good value for money I think.


Legendary Member
I see this on the train. Don't really know what it is but suspect it would be a pricey piece of kit as a lot of tech on it.



Just fetched in the duvet cover of the line, put it on the back of settee well i made :cuppa:. Only to find it's now on the floor and Charlie is fast asleep on it.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Calmac services are very good value for money I think.

Particularly for the blue badge ancients.
A return by car Craignure/Oban costs me £24 which makes a day trip feasable. Trouble is the ferries are so cluttered with touroid it is virtually impossible to get bookings. This morning I could not get bookings for travel on my preferred days a month in advance. I could take a trike but the streets in Oban are not trike friendly unless I did a 100 yard bit of illegal pavement riding.
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