Mundane News

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The sneaky rain came from the wrong direction so I only noticed the raindrops on the window after it had passed over . We had some washing on the line which is now damp! :angry:
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with marinated anchovies, one with sliced avocado, along with a banana, a nectarine and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Am having a quiet afternoon pushing some paperwork, but I will go out in a bit to get some logs from the garage.

Will also grab a hot water bottle when that's done, as i just feel really cold for some reason.


Vice Admiral
Just had a volcano for our tea



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
"Lunch" is probably a better description... :whistle:

Only if you can catch them, wring their necks , disembowel them and defeather before cooking. :becool:P

Forgot to add you have to hang them as well. Opinion varies as to length of time but one friend maintained it was best to wait till the heads fell off with a gentle tug.
My wife who was not bothered by a bit of blood and feather dealt with all that. She had brothers who were poachers so all sorts of things came her way.
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Only if you can catch them, wring their necks , disembowel them and defeather before cooking. :becool:P

Forgot to add you have to hang them as well. Opinion varies as to length of time but one friend maintained it was best to wait till the heads fell off with a gentle tug.
My wife who was not bothered by a bit of blood and feather dealt with all that. She had brothers who were poachers so all sorts of things came her way.

No problems with the dispatching and cleaning etc. I have a friend who goes shooting out Downham Market way, and I regularly get the odd pheasant or rabbit left hanging from my gate.

Catching though... That's another matter :laugh:
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