Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Coffee & toasted bagel break between shopping runs. Two panniers full of heavy stuff on the first part and struggled into the strong headwind even with the ebike. The next part is the easier one with bulky but lighter essential bits (crisps, bread, etc^_^) to be picked up.


Appears that Woolies maybe coming back to a high street near you sometime soon - !
As the demise of this once familiar brand back in 2008 was allegedly caused by the influx of 'bargain brand' shops; QD, B & M, Poundland, Costcutter etc., who are now well established, it'll be interesting to see what marketing strategy the new Woolies employs to get a foothold again. :whistle:


Away to West Yorkshire for a few days in April, so being a good Boy Scout, got the appropriate Landranger & Explorer maps from the library to check for walks, places of interest etc..
All good, until I realised that I already have a copy of the Landranger map in my possession - ! :wacko:
However, it does read 'Revised 1981', but on the basis that not a lot tends to change in that neck of the woods, nae bother - ! :laugh:
A bright day here chez Casa Reynard, albeit a bit of a chilly one with that brisk north-westerly breeze.

Did not sleep particularly well, as my mind just wouldn't switch off. Anyways, I went to bed late last night, but with a set up and fully working printer. Got it working with my ancient Sony Vaio with its Vista OS - one of the reasons I plumped for the Epson over some of the other options. Definitely NOT plug-and-play like my previous printer though. Most of the negative reviews for this particular model are from those people who struggled to set it up or not read the specs / manual. Admittedly it is quite faffy and time consuming, though if you follow the instructions, it IS reasonably straightforward. Had to have a go at some of the steps several times as there's a knack to pressing the various buttons in various orders. And the drivers do take a fair while to install and the wi-fi to sort, but yeah. I shall have to go through the same rigmarole with this laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad), but that's for another time.

Print quality looks pretty good, certainly on par or slightly better than what I got from the old one. Yet to test the scanner, but I shall have a go at that this evening.

Litter tray update - the furry invaders have had a good old scratch about in there overnight again, but they've not eaten the sawdust. So I shall top it up again with more sawdust and keep doing so until the little sh*ts get the message. I will use the corn-based litter in the tray upstairs, but when that runs out (sod's law I just bought a fresh sack!), I will switch to a wood-based litter. In the mean time, I'm generating enough sawdust cutting up firewood that I can use that as a stop-gap.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and I has a hungry.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain, rain and more rain with high winds making the Mull ferry skippers nervous tho' they still appear to be sailing.

Supposed to be have a quiet day but this did not happen so far.
Into Oban for some non perishable stuff to save time later. Needed to find a loo so round to Lidl to find toilets out of operation and all closed up. Back to Tesco but stuck in the car for a while due to torrential rain which eventually eased off.
Time for a pill but dropped the bl----d thing in the car and it has vanished completely. Fortunately I had more with me.

Back to base when son appeared and could hear a faint electrical whine from the rear of the car but we cannot identify the cause.
Into Oban again to the garage where I got the car and they happened to have an electrical specialist working on the same model car who immediately twigged a faulty towbar electrical relay which he disconnected. Noise stopped but I will have to wait till my next visit to get a new one fitted.
When I got back a phone call was waiting that the electrician had lost a key and could I search the car in case he dropped it inside. No joy so I do not have it.

Just got a text that 3 ferry sailings are cancelled for the rest of the day and tomorrow looks doubtful.


Itching to get back on my bike's
My working week is completed
It's the weekend


Back from an afternoon trip to the opticians we both need new glasses looking round is a minefield.
As with dentists the price paid for proving a service has not kept up. Not fair on independent optician for just eye test so used boots.
It's starting to do the same way to as many are now handing back NHS contracts.
Be online for us Mrs 73 is already sorted , I've got to phone them up as they don't like my prescription.
See what they say tomorrow when i've time to sort it out.


Legendary Member
Boots have removed all the staffed tills in their Poole branch and gone over to self service ( apart from the till at the Pharmacy counter) Wandered in and straight back out again as it was chaotic.

I feel especially sorry for the elderly and/or lonely. Sometimes chatting to someone on the tills is the only contact with others some people have all day.


Legendary Member
Had a nice thirty single speed miles in the afternoon and managed to avoid any rain. Rode to local big house/ gardens for a wander round and back again via a different route. Nice ride but wind made it tough at times. Nice to see the snowdrops putting in their appearance.

Having chicken fillet and chips soon. :hungry:


Leg End Member
Away to West Yorkshire for a few days in April, so being a good Boy Scout, got the appropriate Landranger & Explorer maps from the library to check for walks, places of interest etc..
All good, until I realised that I already have a copy of the Landranger map in my possession - ! :wacko:
However, it does read 'Revised 1981', but on the basis that not a lot tends to change in that neck of the woods, nae bother - ! :laugh:
You might find there's at least one "forest" that's not on your, 1981, map.
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