Mundane News

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All at sea⛵
Today's 71 plate truck has 475,832 kilometres on the odometer and has taken me to Norwich. Old Catton to be exact, which is quite serendipitous as it's the same truck that took me to Old Catton last Friday!
Different trailer, though..

Well it's Burn's season so it's good to renew an old acquaintance.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Very black looking sky so probably more rain and certainly windy. Calmac are giving their usual warnings and high sided vehicles and livestock may not get on board if they do sail.
It has been very heavy rain overnight and the roads are bad with flooding. One corner on the road into Oban has flooding on the inbound carriageway which conceal lots of debris likely to cause damage. Road surface on the northbound road is not visible in places with so much surface water.
Both these are places I want to drive today so care needed.
Yesterday lots of road department traffic lights and lots of workers out clearing back rubbish and some landslips on the roadway so glad I was not driving. It seemed a bit like a maze in some parts with the lane changes.

Up to the loo several times during the night as predicted after drinking so much water to flush out the bladder. Before I left the hospital I was warned of a very small risk of infection and flushing with lots of water helps to prevent any possibility.
Despite this I do feel reasonably refreshed and ready for the fray.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright & sunny Suffolk although it's a breezy day looking at the trees the other side of the rail line. Very confused when I woke up this morning & switched the radio on as I thought I'd missed a day with Mark Radcliffe's voice coming out of the speaker instead of Lauren Laverne.

Yet another expensive morning with some gig tickets going on sale and the associated hotel & rail ticket bookings being made.


Legendary Member
My intended pleasure ride on my two-wheeled pedal-powered conveyance has been momentarily delayed due to a sudden torrential downpour. :rain:


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Someone yesterday decided to change my teaching timetable, the result needing a complete change in delivery pattern on a large postgraduate module in my university. Which starts on Monday.

So, whilst taking a break occasionally to shout loudly, I'm making it "fit". Material is being re-written and re-jigged so it looks like it was planned all along.

It's not as if I don't have anything else to do, like marking and some managerial/research tasks ... :cursing:


3.24 mile walk which Strava has decided was 1000 steps. Touch chilly, hood up and gloves on. Old smoke alarm, a never that effective pen like hair trimmer and the dead battery deposited in the recycling bins in B&Q
Then a bigger shop than expected in Aldi as they had as part of the centre aisle stuff Nairn Biscuit Breaks cheaper than elsewhere.
New smoke alarm collected and then one of those incidents that find there way to YouTube. A lorry had parked just beyond the Co-Op entrance. A car turning left out of the car park and one going straight on presumably both having drivers thinking the lorry had stopped and not parked.


Hong Kong


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Itching to get back on my bike's
I sometimes have a bowl of "Hoops". We keep a packet for when our granddaughter visits as they are her favourite cereal ( though she eats them dry from the cereal bowl with a drizzle of Maple Syrup, and has a seperate glass of chocolate milk 🤔 )

I can eat quite a lot of dry cereal as I graze through out the day .
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