Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Bright looking morning with a very red sky. Library day I think.
Black ice reported on a road a couple of miles away and my library parking is at the bottom of a steep slope. Better have a good check before I drive down there.
Calmac are being very daring and changing the 1700 ferry from Craignure to 1655 so that prospective train passengers do not have to sprint quite so fast to the station. This is being achieved by changing the turnround time to 15 minutes instead of 20 minutes. Could be interesting persuading some dozy passengers to get a move on but since not peak touroid season it should not be too hard.
Somebody in Oban met a youth at the top of the Rest and be Thankful said to be under 20 yers old who has cycled on an old mountain bike from south of France to take up a fish farm job in Morvern. Given the publicity and a fair bit of admiration no doubt somebody will offer him a lift the rest of the way.
The remarks by @mybike regarding a made in Scotland hat set me off looking at some old business records. It did remind me of a large firm who sold "Made in Scotland" knitwear. The wool was spun in Scotland and I think the labels printed but the garments were in fact made in Hong Kong. The said firm is no longer trading but it shows some of the dishonesty which went on.
It's a public holiday as well as a Saturday here, so nothing is stirring outside. I've had the window open for nearly half an hour and I haven't even heard a car go past.

Ooh, ooh, a car went past...


Legendary Member
Good morning from an unusually bright & sunny Suffolk. Bitterly cold start to the day with ice on the cars and some frost still on the grass in the shaded parts of my back garden at 9:30 this morning. The new temperature unit I got for Chr***mas (thanks little sis) shows it dropped to 1 degree centigrade at some point.

Looks like it's going to stay this way for the rest of the day so I think another cuppa and a decent breakfast is called for before I head out for a few miles on the bike.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa wasn't much better than the first.
Apple crumble is cooking nicely


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Library is not open till next week a notice on the door tells me. A bit annoying as there was no notice before they shut for festive holidays.
Went to check out my normal route for the trike and my decision not to take the trike out was correct due to low sun which was blinding and the patches of black ice. Slippy but would not bother the trike tho’ vehicles could slide into me on shaded bits.
The librarian lives in Dervaig on this road so would have had an exciting trip over the hill with lots of sharp bends.
My wife taught in Dervaig school for a while and made the daily trip as fast as the fancy rally cars. Only one minor prang when she met somebody also going too fast. Both slid on the gravel but our car was unscathed. The other car had so many dents they could not prove any came from our car. :rolleyes:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I took along a small Bayko building set. Should be a bit of nostalgia for you.

Reminded me, when I was young I had a kit the you could build houses with. It came with premade roofs, windows & doors but the bricks were ceramic/pottery & you used wallpaper paste (which my hamster loved) as mortar. Anyone have something similar?
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