Mundane News

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Otley Christmas Fayre was superb.Musicians dancers shops open i have never been to Otley my fave cycling destination in the dark.It looked lovely.Good stalls,mind you i did not buy anything Mrs P spent £10 on various fudges.A lovely atmosphere,my daughter and pal were doing great at the RSPCA stall they were running.We called in to my best cafe and had a latte and walnut cake,and told him about my cancer he was shocked.I promised him i will call again before Xmas for some festive cheer or a full breakfast,he really is a great bloke.All in all two wonderful hours.Plus due to bad weather we have a guest tonight who does not fancy driving home in bad conditions,very sensible.
A cold and rainy day here chez Casa Reynard - it's been hosing it down since about half 11.

Slept well. Didn't do anything this morning. Had an early snack / lunch and the poddled off to Tesco to do a spot of yellow stickering. I had intended going last night, but I didn't fancy venturing out on icy roads in freezing fog. Instead, I swapped that for getting drenched in the flat-out sprint between the car and the store.

Store was heaving. Not much in the chilled, green bins were a bust unless you wanted beer or canned sweet & sour chicken, bakery was good - if you didn't want any bread. Veg was mostly pre-cut stuff, bagged salads and stir fry mixes and the like. By far the best bargains to be had were on fruit. And it's not often you see fruit in stupid-crazy quantities these days...

Came home with plaice fillets, cooked salmon portions, a tray of cooked & sliced BBQ chicken, mushrooms, baby corn, a pack with four organic pears, three punnets of peaches, five punnets of "finest" blueberries, a dozen punnets of raspberries and a case of oranges and satsumas at 22p a net. Oh, and a job lot of danish pastries from the bakery.

I shall definitely be making jam and marmalade with some of that. Although I expect that a goodly portion of the raspberries will end up in me, as I adore raspberries.

I also had a bit of a snaccident with a large brie and a box with a trio of festive Boursin cheeses that somehow jumped into my trolley.

Now sat back by the fire with a :cuppa:


Legendary Member
I had a nice 15 mile ride this morning. My first proper ride on my refurbished Brompton. It rides like a dream now. Time and money we'll spent.

It's became very foggy in the afternoon. I had been thinking about going to visit a friend about 50 miles away but pleased I didn't now as driving in freezing fog isn't pleasant.


I have tasted what food will be like in Heaven.Our daughter left a homemade lattice pattern apple pie for us.just warmed it through then poured a custard pot all over it.Oh my word,what a talent she has,this pie was so light and it melted on the tongue,only bad bit was Mrs P served up and i would have had a larger slice.
I went out for a ride this afternoon to test my friend's bike. I had fitted a new freewheel as his old one kept jumping in top gear. The rain had stopped earlier and it had turned a bit sunny with grey cloud. It had warmed up a bit so I thought it was alright to go out without my snood. My head soon felt the chilly air and I wished I had put my snood on. The slipping problem had been cured so I continued my ride over to Lacock. I did 12 miles and got splattered in mud .


Legendary Member
Time to put the non-recycling bin out front for emptying tomorrow.


Legendary Member
Suppose they don't empty them due to heavy snow?
Not likely given the local weather forecast
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