Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry all day but not much outside exercise as got delayed at the surgery.
Got a strange spot on my leg which looks infected but will not heal using normal medications. GP admits he does not know what it is and wanted to take a photo to send to a dermatologist. Camera out but battery flat so need to wait till that gets enough charge to work. Meantime he starts on about me being slightly anaemic which nobody else seems very alarmed about. More blood tests and sit in waiting room till camera is charged enough.
All this takes ages so back home in time for lunch.
The old man who accidentally grew some cannabis was an early settler of the type who fitted into the community like another one I knew. Francis Drake who had a varied career but ended up as skipper of Bloodhound the Duke of Edinburgh’s yacht before retiring here. He was well liked and accepted by the fishing community who are not easily impressed.
Some fit in well but the more modern ones tend to behave differently and only fit in with their own kind.


Dry all day but not much outside exercise as got delayed at the surgery.
Got a strange spot on my leg which looks infected but will not heal using normal medications. GP admits he does not know what it is and wanted to take a photo to send to a dermatologist. Camera out but battery flat so need to wait till that gets enough charge to work. Meantime he starts on about me being slightly anaemic which nobody else seems very alarmed about. More blood tests and sit in waiting room till camera is charged enough.
All this takes ages so back home in time for lunch.
The old man who accidentally grew some cannabis was an early settler of the type who fitted into the community like another one I knew. Francis Drake who had a varied career but ended up as skipper of Bloodhound the Duke of Edinburgh’s yacht before retiring here. He was well liked and accepted by the fishing community who are not easily impressed.
Some fit in well but the more modern ones tend to behave differently and only fit in with their own kind.

Maybe a good idea to draw round the area that way you can easily see if it's tracking and turning in Cellulitis.
If the Dr has not already done it, it's an old trick but an effective one
Whew. And breathe...

Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with Polish sausage, one with a very fine vintage cheddar, plus an apple, a banana and a tangerine (mum had a medlar instead of the tangerine), along with the obligatory two :cuppa:

Luncheon taken, I put away all the shopping, re-stocked the cupboards and fridge in the kitchen and sorted out part of a pack-up for tomorrow i.e. snacks, fruit and a bidon of water. I'm meeting my mate at the big Asda in Corby, where we'll pick up some food before heading to our final destination. That done, I re-stocked all of the wood bins in the house, filling them right to the brim. The project I'm off to assist on may run into a second day on account of the sheer amount of stuff that needs cataloguing, and I need to make sure that I have enough of everything on hand. Also finished packing what I need to take, dug some clean clothes out so that I don't have to furkle at cat-show-o-clock in the morning, washed my hair and had a nice girly pamper session.

I've also squeezed in a bit of extra background reading as the material in question is not my area (or era) of interest, and I do not want to go into this completely blind. I have no desire to look like a numpty in the face of people far more knowledgeable.

Cat has been fed and my supper is warming up.
For the fourth time in less than 24 hours I have just had to remove an empty loo roll tube from the dispenser

you got some kinda potty party going on over there

just get a kitten?



Leg End Member
Spectacular sunrise this morning but the old saying is "red sky in the morning sailor's warning".
High winds are forecast for the next couple of days and the temperature is forecast to take a dip as well.

Somebody on FB wants to know what to do about a large lump of polystyrene on the beach.
This does remind me of an incident some years ago when a canvas wrapped bundle was found on the beach at Grasspoint near here. Yes really Grasspoint.
The old man had no idea what this was but the vegetation inside was put on the compost heap and subsequently used on his garden. A strange crop appeared in due course and he asked around if anybody knew what this was.
He was a bit taken aback when the drug squad arrived one day but he was deemed innocent as he had Colonel before his name.
We knew himself and his wife quite well. A nice old couple.
That find should have been reported to the authorities.


Leg End Member
I don't have an account with them. I'm not even sure if they operate here. Certainly don't ever remember seeing a branch.
They did have branches over there. Call centres in Waterford, and Shannon, Co. Clare.
Their insurance call centre was based at Shannon.


Leg End Member
Old age. Woke up with a painful knee.Noticed it felt sore during Sunday night whilst in bed. Sore Monday but treated with volterol. Same this morning, but no power through knee, so kept the cranks spinning.

One of those things - seem to get it every 6 months or so, then it clears up - same left knee. Early treatment started this time. No reason for it starting, other than sleeping with it twisted maybe.
You have more than one left knee!!
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