Mundane News

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Grey but dry here .
We will be doing a stint in the museum this morning. First thing though will be to do some washing up and then put another coat of paint on the skirting board .


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I went to a consultation about a planned conversion of a long-dead railway line into a greenway. It's at stage 2 of the process now, and seeing all the steps involved, I do wonder if I will live long enough to see it happen! Will be interesting though, and very scenic. Problems at the town end as someone built a house and a shed on the track bed. Also questions as to whether to build a new bridge or use the rail bridge which is partially dismantled.

The cycle track leading north from Connel has a house built on the old railway track at Onich which means a nasty hill to climb to get round it.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
In other news, I apparently missed a call from Halifax today. I'm pleased they emailed me to tell me that. I wonder why they wanted to ring me in the first place.

I have also just been awarded a trophy for fifteen years of posting shite highly intelligent and informative posts on Cyclechat. :dance:

Do you actually have an account with them? I get regular emails but have no account.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Spectacular sunrise this morning but the old saying is "red sky in the morning sailor's warning".
High winds are forecast for the next couple of days and the temperature is forecast to take a dip as well.

Somebody on FB wants to know what to do about a large lump of polystyrene on the beach.
This does remind me of an incident some years ago when a canvas wrapped bundle was found on the beach at Grasspoint near here. Yes really Grasspoint.
The old man had no idea what this was but the vegetation inside was put on the compost heap and subsequently used on his garden. A strange crop appeared in due course and he asked around if anybody knew what this was.
He was a bit taken aback when the drug squad arrived one day but he was deemed innocent as he had Colonel before his name.
We knew himself and his wife quite well. A nice old couple.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
The cycle track leading north from Connel has a house built on the old railway track at Onich which means a nasty hill to climb to get round it.

Ooh, Onich just gave me a bit of nostalgia. I was there on a school trip in the 70s and we had almost unbroken sunshine for the whole time we were there. Looking at Google street view, the Creag Mhor Lodge is looking very familiar.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a damp Suffolk where the first cuppa of the day has just been finished and I'm already looking forward to the end of the shift. Nothing showing on the rain radar, but a morning commute of that fine misty drizzle that isn't worthy of waterproofs but soaks you through eventually.

Why do people expect me to know what's going on after a long weekend off?
Those recessed nuts holding brake calipers might look nice but prove to be difficult to undo if the Allen key socket becomes rounded!
I think that fitting those short mudguards which don't seem to do much would have offered some protection .
I went to the consultant yesterday and thankfully the pain in my wrist isn't Arthritis, as was suspected, just an overstressed wrist. Later this morning I have a doctors appointment to discuss when I can go back to work.

Partly motivated by this slight scare, I'm now getting ready for an online appointment at 08:30 about getting some coaching to be at least partially self employed.

So... I can go back to work, but I'm under strict instructions to stop doing anything that hurts and come back if that doesn't help.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Old age. Woke up with a painful knee. Noticed it felt sore during Sunday night whilst in bed. Sore Monday but treated with volterol. Same this morning, but no power through knee, so kept the cranks spinning.

One of those things - seem to get it every 6 months or so, then it clears up - same left knee. Early treatment started this time. No reason for it starting, other than sleeping with it twisted maybe.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Been out for a ride, raining, but no floods. Golden colours of autumn in abundance.

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