Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Where did you settle from?

I'm betting it's not Settle.


Legendary Member
I loved the concert, pleased I went. I also met three people I used to know pretty well which I hadn't seen since before lock down, so it was nice to catch up. (Sadly, I have been informed that someone I used to know pretty well has got lung cancer).

Speed check on the dual carriageway driving home but I was within the limit :angel:

Rock concerts don't do my tinnitus much good!:angry:


Legendary Member
I still haven't received the email with my theatre ticket but they've billed my card.

Oh, and I got this sorted eventually at the box office in person. The payment wouldn't complete for reasons unknown as it kept showing an error on their end so I paid cash and they cancelled the failed card transaction.

I must keep an eye that it doesn't actually bill my card. No point paying twice!
The longer the berries stay, the worse the winter to come.

That's generally not been my observation.

Although my big holly tree will give me a really accurate indication of when the first cold snap of the winter is heading this way, as we'll suddenly get big flocks of redwings that will strip the tree bare of berries in under 48 hours. And this is a tree that's nearly 2ft wide at the base to give you some indication of age and size.


Legendary Member
As a ‘settler’ I am clearly not welcome here. I’m out.
Don't go - I've only been on the Mundane thread for a few years so I'm still an outsider as well.

Or do you mean Scotland?


Legendary Member
Yet another grey & grotty day here in east Suffolk.

After an unusually enjoyable day at work where I was asked to assist another team due to experience in certain goods (which ended with a positive result they may not otherwise have had), the excrement hit the air recirculating device just as I was looking to wind down with half an hour to go. The next 45 minutes was a constant stream of emails on two different cases, both of which needed sorting before I left as there's only one person with limited knowledge in on Friday. Mentally draining having to swap between two different jobs & mindsets like that.

The only good part was that the delay in leaving work put me into a clearer weather window for the homeward commute where it was only drizzling and not the proper rain we'd had for most of the afternoon.
Yet another grey & grotty day here in east Suffolk.

After an unusually enjoyable day at work where I was asked to assist another team due to experience in certain goods (which ended with a positive result they may not otherwise have had), the excrement hit the air recirculating device just as I was looking to wind down with half an hour to go. The next 45 minutes was a constant stream of emails on two different cases, both of which needed sorting before I left as there's only one person with limited knowledge in on Friday. Mentally draining having to swap between two different jobs & mindsets like that.

The only good part was that the delay in leaving work put me into a clearer weather window for the homeward commute where it was only drizzling and not the proper rain we'd had for most of the afternoon.

Ah, what did you sniff out this time?
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