Mundane News

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Survived that H&S module with 100% right in the questionnaire at the end but then some if the questions if answered wrongly the person completing it would be a hazard to anyone else.
a fiery thai curry on the go, it could be an End Of Days situation :sweat:
the bird's eye chillis are really odd, a mix of yellow, orange and red, good god they pack a punch.
It's been a cool and grey day here chez Casa Reynard. No one's been on the baked beans as there was not much wind today.

Slept very well. Have had a quiet day today, the main task of which was tidying up the space under a free-standing work surface in the kitchen. It's the kitchen's general dumping ground, and as a result tends to get a bit chaotic. So it benefits from a bit of attention once in a while.

There was an ulterior motive, as it's where I keep my stash of Xmas puds and Min Spies, and I needed to take one pudding out and put six packs of Min Spies in. I had far fewer puds than I thought, so I shall have to keep an eye out on pre-Christmas offers and post-Christmas clearance. Anyways, the whole space looks a lot neater now.

It's been nice having some down time with a book (Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Attwood), but back to full on stuff again tomorrow.
Never quite got the point of persimmon. Was God having a slow afternoon when he made them?

They're bloody lovely. But you've got to let them ripen, and only eat them when they're *very* soft. Otherwise, yes, they're tough, leathery and not very nice.

Typically, they want about a fortnight in the fruit bowl before they're ready for eating - the shops sell them woefully under ripe in order to avoid wastage through damage. Same is true of things like mangoes and papaya.


Leg End Member
Mine doesn't go up till the middle of December at the very earliest, more usually in the last week before Christmas. All decorations get packed away on Twelfth Night - or burned in the fire when it comes to greenery, but this time they'll be coming down a day early as I'm most likely to be stewarding at a cat show in Ware on the 6th January.
You should never burn holly, even if it was only used as a Christmas decoration.
You're inviting bad luck and the fairies into the house.
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