Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk. It looks to be a bright and sunny start to the day, but probably a bit squelchy underfoot as there appears to have been a bit more rain overnight. The first cuppa of the day has just been finished so I suppose I'd better get up and have some breakfast.

At some point this weekend I need to replace the inner tube on the rear tyre of the main commuter bike - it was a bit soft when I went to use it yesterday (I used the ebike instead) indicating there's one of those almost untraceable very slow punctures where it's easier just to check the tyre and replace the tube.


Legendary Member
A Freightliner class 66 pulling a further 3 class 66s has just gone up the line heading to Ipswich. Guess there's not much freight to be hauled from Felixstowe Port this weekend.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
And the flipping clocks change to make it even darker on Sunday. Yippee, dark end of work commutes coming up; at least with WAH it should just be one a week. Actually prefer them on the ebike as the cycle route avoids an otherwise necessary right turn off the A61 at a set of traffic lights where the oncoming traffic is invariably doing more than 30 coming off a decent. Judging at night a gap in the incoming traffic is always interesting.

It'll be lighter when I take the dog out.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Maybe true but it's a sad fact the road accident rate always shoots up with putting the clocks back. Not sure the reasoning that it benefits farmers stands up any longer given how many carry out farm work in the dark evenings, farm yards floodlit and powerful lights on tractors.

RAC Foundation suggest that the weather has more to do with it than the change in the clocks. Of course, the change also upsets our sleep rhythm, which must affect our concentration. It would probably be better to keep to the natural time, where midday occurs when the Sun is at its highest. Then, if we wanted more daylight, we could get up earlier.


Maybe true but it's a sad fact the road accident rate always shoots up with putting the clocks back. Not sure the reasoning that it benefits farmers stands up any longer given how many carry out farm work in the dark evenings, farm yards floodlit and powerful lights on tractors.

About 19 extra accidents per day averaged over two weeks following the change, though they do acknowledge that worsening weather at this time of year is almost certainly a factor. Conversely the accident rate decreases when they put the clocks forward in the spring.
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