Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I'm going to watch the Lionesses play Belgium tonight as a birthday present from No1 daughter 🎂

Really looking forward to it ⚽ 👌

There's no need to be rude!

(HitchHikers Guide reference)


All at sea⛵
Grey day so far with a bit of wind.
Summoned to the GP this morning for a review of my last bloods and anything else which occurs to them or me.

Plaintive calls for lifts as winter timetables kick in. Buses do not connect with ferries and there are Sunday ferries but no buses.
The last Iona ferry will wait for the bus if it is late and they have been told bus passengers wish to travel.
At Fishnish they had an informal headlight flashing signal system to ask the ferry to wait a few minutes for passengers.

There are lots of stories about the bus service when it was a local company but no time to give them now.

Snap. Doing the same right now.
Issue with cholesterol and sugar.
Been the same for years. Outlasted previous male generation members by 25 years.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Handed in my resignation today.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
As so often seems to happen it turned out a nice day so went to check out the surface on an off road route for the trike when the sun gets too low for main road safety. So far as I could see it looked ok.

Calmac’s text service no doubt caused a bit of a panic about midday when they announced that the Lochaline/Fishnish service was suspended due to staff availability, or rather non availability. If you have driven 60 miles on mostly single track to find no ferry it is not funny as the only realistic answer is to drive back. Lochaline in the past was not noted for overnight hospitality so nothing else till Ft William again. They did eventually find enough staff so service eventually resumed. Panic over.
I always made a point of checking ferry status before committing to the last bit of the trip when I used this route a lot.

My bloods seem to be getting back to more or less normal but more in a couple of weeks time to see if improvement continues. At least getting it done locally by Debbie is no problem and painless.


Legendary Member
I saw a Wolseley version of the Austin 1800 this evening, something I knew existed but never actually seen before. A very rare car, I think, and probably quite pricey in its time. Sadly, no camera handy.

The driver had the sidelights on too, showing of the Wolseley badge which lights up, something I remember from Wolseley Farina that a friend of the family had many years ago. It was a nice feature. (And about the only thing I know about Wolseleys!):becool:


It’s gone dark

And the flipping clocks change to make it even darker on Sunday. Yippee, dark end of work commutes coming up; at least with WAH it should just be one a week. Actually prefer them on the ebike as the cycle route avoids an otherwise necessary right turn off the A61 at a set of traffic lights where the oncoming traffic is invariably doing more than 30 coming off a decent. Judging at night a gap in the incoming traffic is always interesting.
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