Mundane News

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Mild, grey and blustery here chez Casa Reynard, but with rain forecast from around tea time.

Slept so-so. Kind of hard to get comfy when the cat has bagsied the middle of the bed. Spent the morning with a friend and her dogs having a walk around the community orchard and local nature reserve. This afternoon I will need to refill the wood bins in the house and go to Tesco for some supplies.

Finally got my paperwork for Saturday, so I now know what I'm meant to be doing - the show's format has changed a bit since I last stewarded at the Supreme pre-covid. I'm getting a lift from the aforementioned friend, who has two cats in competition. It saves me driving, but it does mean that I will be leaving earlier and coming home later. Swings and roundabouts there.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon, and I has a hungry.
P.S. I love the suggestions... I can just imagine said person riding a bike. :laugh:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
No assist on my trike and no trouble with hills.
Currently with touring seat on as been shopping ,with my race seat it's a fair bit lighter

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There are hills and then real hills. Also the Kett is a heavy beast and I am not as fit as I used to be.
If I use one for shopping there is a nasty steep one car width uphill right angle bend with cars coming down at speed on the way home with extra weight. Particularly in touroid season which is now most of the year it is far too dangerous and if I am forced to stop here it would be impossible to move off again forwards.
It would be possible to go on the right hand side of the road on the bend but then likely to get flattened by a vehicle which does not see anything below windscreen level.
Next time I am down if I remember I will get a photo of this area.
Edit forgot to mention the bend is also round a building so approach is totally blind to anything coming downhill.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I find I'm more visible on a trike than a bike and people have to make the effort to go around rather than push through past like they do on a bike.
As for stopping I can stop from 45mph very quickly even with a load in the saddle bags.

Going up a steep blind bend at 45mph?
Traffic is generally courteous but there are one or two places I use regularly where I am genuinely invisible to oncoming traffic on the single track road.
I get round that by dawdling in a passing place and letting a car race through which I can safely follow.

Squirrel Chaser

Well-Known Member
Going up a steep blind bend at 45mph?
Traffic is generally courteous but there are one or two places I use regularly where I am genuinely invisible to oncoming traffic on the single track road.
I get round that by dawdling in a passing place and letting a car race through which I can safely follow.
Depends on how much run up you get .
Even at 5 mph in granny gear it's still safer on a trike

Squirrel Chaser

Well-Known Member
I am not yet suicidal so not prepared to stand directly into danger. If you do not know the area you cannot comprehend what is involved.
I will try for a photo next time I am down if it is not pouring with rain and blowing a gale directly on to the area.
If you had a range rover you could get a picture from a warm leather seat ,dry and safe...
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