Mundane News

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A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
Survived ju jitsu unscathed.

Showered and dressed quickly, went to the pub to meet a mate of mine and watched Everton win.

All going well so far. ^_^


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Hope all goes well

The only problem I had post op was they insisted on giving me pain killers Constipation causers in my case.I didn’t feel any pain.I stopped taking them Slipped them to Mrs p when she visited

I seem to have got too many initials in my last post. It should be Trans catheter Aortic Valve Replacement ie TAVR.
I assumed initially that is what you had but I think I am wrong there as well.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wet but the gales have been postponed till possibly tomorrow. Morning boat cancelled anyway as the linkspan has broken down at Craignure.
Knackered after a couple of hard days so just resting today as there is no point in going outside based on present weather.
I need to chase Argos re the replacement washing machine. I had a conversation with somebody who called himself Michael who said I would get confirmation but so far nothing has appeared. If nothing by mid week I need to start chasing them again. :angry:


Legendary Member
I seem to have got too many initials in my last post. It should be Trans catheter Aortic Valve Replacement ie TAVR.
I assumed initially that is what you had but I think I am wrong there as well.

No idea what the op was called I belive there is an OP that only requires a small incision.I was under for eight hours. Chest opened.Heart on bypass .Vein taken from my leg to replace the gunged up one.


And the apples taste so much better than anything you can buy. Supermarket apples tend to either be a) tasteless or b) ridiculously sweet. The community orchard here has some fabulous old local varieties - I've learned by eating (and storing) which ones are good, and which ones, like the Red Victoria (an early season cooker) are a bit meh.

Edited to add that I've my own apple trees too, but they're a bit long-in-the-tooth and, other than the Bramley, don't fruit terribly well.

Very true we've so many old varieties that need more love and attention. Raymond Blanc has become a bit of vocal advocate about them inc his own Orchard full of "lost" varieties.
Given our love for the Bramley it's hard to think that it simple would not make it now into commercial production failing at the growing trial stage.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
From your descriptions it sounds like the Calmac fleet spends an inordinate amount of time stuck in port, broken down, waiting for spare parts or standing in randomly for each other.

You are not wrong. The fleet is mostly too old and beyond use by date. New ferries are being built, two of which are very hot political potatoes. One newish one has a mysterious handling fault and is currently at a shipyard who are trying to fix it.
In this current case it is the linkspan which is owned by Argyll & Bute council which has failed.
This is now fixed and normal sailings are running again.
One annoyance is the text messaging service which seems to be operated by somebody who works on the principle of why send one message when you can manage 20 to give the same information?
Brevity is a nasty word but OTOH you cannot underestimate the stupidity of a lot of the current crop of passengers.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
No idea what the op was called I belive there is an OP that only requires a small incision.I was under for eight hours. Chest opened.Heart on bypass .Vein taken from my leg to replace the gunged up one.

The one offered to me is the TAVR one which is indeed a small incision in the groin and they feed a probe with a new valve up and shove it into the existing valve. You do not even get knocked out and they only use a sedative plus painkillers.
I have had something similar in the past but that was to a kidney and not even a sedative then. After a small pad was put over the incision which I was instructed to keep pressure on and if it started bleeding to scream loudly for assistance. :ohmy:
Just returned home from the humdrum, tedious not to mention tiresome and "Mundane" chore of feeding and watering four horses. However the sky is a clear blue , the temperature is 20c and my bicycle awaits


Walked to the corner shop to drop off a bag of coffee machine pods for recycling and then onto Aldi. Definitely no Merino wool base layers. The price tag was with the others. Whatever they had on originally probably sold out on Thursday morning. Drizzle set so once again arrived home with damp jeans.
One annoyance is the text messaging service which seems to be operated by somebody who works on the principle of why send one message when you can manage 20 to give the same information?

Deutsche Bahn has the opposite approach: they only send information that you cannot fail to have worked out already; so announcements that a train has been delayed by 5 minutes will be given six minutes after the scheduled departure time, the ten minute delay will be announced at eleven minutes past departure time, et c.


Legendary Member
The one offered to me is the TAVR one which is indeed a small incision in the groin and they feed a probe with a new valve up and shove it into the existing valve. You do not even get knocked out and they only use a sedative plus painkillers.
I have had something similar in the past but that was to a kidney and not even a sedative then. After a small pad was put over the incision which I was instructed to keep pressure on and if it started bleeding to scream loudly for assistance. :ohmy:

I had that procedure prior to my op to establish what was causing my passing out when my heart rate went above 100 BPM

I had to stay in bed for two hours.Problem was I was bursting for a pee but I wasn’t allowed out of bed too go to the toilet which was just a couple of steps Brought me a bottle Oh the embarrassment the bottle wasn’t big enough and I couldn’t stop mid stream and I had a overflow problem
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