Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
One wonders why the taxi driver who is sitting outside blowing the horn can't just get out of his Mondeo and go and ring the door bell.

I'm leaving on a jet plane......

The taxi driver's waiting he's blowing his horn.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Yum, love bocks ... with buttery mash and sauerkraut plus a dollop of german mustard :hungry:
I'm very fond of German mustard but it's not easy to find. Sainsbury's used to stock a horseradish mustard which resembles a German one but I can't find it anywhere at the moment. In desperation, I had some of these delivered today. The ketchup's great.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice sunny day so got out for a trike run. Very cold wind tho’ as temp never went above 13C.
It was 5.4C when I got up early this morning to get the hand washing done. Should have hung some things out but they would not have dried much and would have to be taken in before dark as the forecast for tomorrow is wet.
Went down to the marina where the slipway is blocked off by large bags of sand. Not checked but it suggests a high tide expected which would flood the car park with a lot of cars and motorhomes still there.
Slight scrape on one wing mirror where I got too close to the new railings but fortunately I have touch up paint handy so easily fixed. Most motorists have little idea of their car width and I was forced over too far by one such hogging too much roadway.
Marina is nearly empty of yachts now but this month is when the local boats went on the annual Cabbage Cruise which meant the best anchorages were easily available. Cabbage Cruise because one year one boat brought an enormous cabbage which lasted the whole time away as we all congregated one one boat for meals and socialising.

Sorry about the duplication but removing one easily is beyond me.

A favourite stopping point in shelter and sunny today.

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You'll not be suggesting anything to Mrs TKK then?

I'm very fond of German mustard but it's not easy to find. Sainsbury's used to stock a horseradish mustard which resembles a German one but I can't find it anywhere at the moment. In desperation, I had some of these delivered today. The ketchup's great.
View attachment 707527

We love the Stokes Ketchups / Sauces. The Heiz Tomato Ketchup ad copy I read boasted that they use 140 grammes of tomatoes for every 100 grammes of Ketchup. Looking at the Stokes ketchup I see they use 200 grammes. 🍅🍅


Leg End Member
I just went for my covid jab and got a flu jab thrown in into the bargain. I'll be trying to sleep on my back tonight. The vaccinator said I was tensing my muscles up for the covid jab. I said it was a blunt needle. For the flu jab I ended up in a different room but nevertheless got the same vaccinator. Her opinion this time about the other shoulder was that I had thick skin. I promised to soak in the bath before the next vaccination. Her colleague recommended bathing in milk.
Have you seen the price if of ass's milk!
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It's been a lovely if slightly chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but am still very chesty. Had a lovely time in the community orchard picking Green Harvey and Barnack Beauty apples. They've all been moved to cardboard trays and stashed in the hallway. The house now smells of apples.

Hadn't intended on picking so many, but the gales earlier in the week dropped half of a considerable Green Harvey crop onto the ground and they were already rotting away. As there were other people picking them when I arrived (the trees are right by the gate), I thought that while I was there, I could just as well take advantage of them. Plus the fact that the ones I was *really* after like the Thoday's Quarrenden, Wayside and Jolly Miller had all fallen off and rotted while I was laid up with covid.

Having said that, the Green Harveys are keeping apples, so they'll certainly last - they're a dual purpose apple, so on the sharp side, but very nice regardless. And the trees invite climbing into them to get the nice big ones up top, so that's exactly what I did, lobbing them down the front of my jumper.

Still plenty of Barnack Beauty - a keeping dessert apple, and the Cockett's Red will want another two to three weeks depending on the weather before they're ready.

Spent the rest of the day watching men in tight shorts playing with funny-shaped balls. Off to find some supper before watching Australia v Ireland. That one could be a final in its own right, so should be a good 'un.


Legendary Member
Thanks for that, I presume it was the TCAVR you had.
The success rate is given as 85% but the main fatalities are the elderly so the odds are a bit different as you get older.
I am unfortunately no stranger to surgery so that side of things does not bother me too much.The consultant I saw a few months ago said he doubted I would survive open heart surgery but the alternative valve replacement would be no problem.
This would take place at the QE hospital in Glasgow which is a major centre for such things.

Hope all goes well

The only problem I had post op was they insisted on giving me pain killers Constipation causers in my case.I didn’t feel any pain.I stopped taking them Slipped them to Mrs p when she visited


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
It's been a lovely if slightly chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but am still very chesty. Had a lovely time in the community orchard picking Green Harvey and Barnack Beauty apples. They've all been moved to cardboard trays and stashed in the hallway. The house now smells of apples.

Hadn't intended on picking so many, but the gales earlier in the week dropped half of a considerable Green Harvey crop onto the ground and they were already rotting away. As there were other people picking them when I arrived (the trees are right by the gate), I thought that while I was there, I could just as well take advantage of them. Plus the fact that the ones I was *really* after like the Thoday's Quarrenden, Wayside and Jolly Miller had all fallen off and rotted while I was laid up with covid.

Having said that, the Green Harveys are keeping apples, so they'll certainly last - they're a dual purpose apple, so on the sharp side, but very nice regardless. And the trees invite climbing into them to get the nice big ones up top, so that's exactly what I did, lobbing them down the front of my jumper.

Still plenty of Barnack Beauty - a keeping dessert apple, and the Cockett's Red will want another two to three weeks depending on the weather before they're ready.

Spent the rest of the day watching men in tight shorts playing with funny-shaped balls. Off to find some supper before watching Australia v Ireland. That one could be a final in its own right, so should be a good 'un.

You're just making up daft names!
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