Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Sometimes it pays to go a bit upmarket. I had a message from my sister asking if I'd kept the receipt for something I'd brought my niece for her birthday . I did point out that although it was from John Lewis it was dated early May 2021 and so was outside their normal 2 year warranty but forwarded on the emailed receipt as I keep things like that for years. Turns out that on this item they showed a 3 year warranty so my niece will get a nice new alarm clock/light.

During the exchange of texts that followed, I seem to have agreed to pay for a meal out for us and our mum & stepfather sometime in the next couple of weeks.


Leg End Member
Wearing two layers of long sleeves for the first time in several weeks. The butler has been instructed to prepare the winter garments.
You know it's still Summer?


Leg End Member



Leg End Member
I've done a small (8x6) watercolour and ink study of Derek's car worked from that very photo.

View attachment 704574

Car #40, Derry Warwick, is Derek's dad. They were collectively known as Big Derry and Young Derry. :biggrin: Derry Sr actually pulled off onto the centre green towards the end of the race once he figured out that his son was probably going to win.
Looks good.
Missing a background though.


Legendary Member
Today did turn out to be a long day - busy but mostly boringly routine stuff with only a couple of checks that needed any thinking. Not helped by the BBC's forecast of 'scattered showers for late afternoon' turning into a heavy rain line with strong winds & plumeting temperatures - this is the temperature trace from my Garmin showing the rapid fall...

My random numbers from a couple of minutes ago are


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
This morning we did the final move of son no. 2's stuff to his student house in Nottingham - he's taken 7 bikes for now, although two will return once racing/hillclimbing have finished. Followed that up with a visit to my mum who's still in hospital in the city after five weeks.

Here again,just as loud and just as corny. Hover and I are roughing out the plot of a soft porn novel, about a couple of Randy museum workers who tour the country, having ”biblical“ knowledge in various very large* museum objects. I do hope our amateur Oscar Wildes can hear us.

*Official definition: over 4 tons.

Theory or Practical? 🤔

And you need illustrations and/or practice demonstrations just to make sure it's possible? After all, you don't want serious injuries with subsequent litigation from readers attempting said activities :whistle:

I refuse to use auto checkouts.

Handed my trolley to one pushy assistant who suggested I could use the auto check out rather than wait for a human being.

Engaging her about getting the zombie staff who vacantly roam the aisles to man the tills was not going to work.

When she asked what I was going to do for my shopping?
I said I'd go to M's.
Now they are closing altogether.
Truth is what I was thinking of saying was not nice and anatomically challenging.

I never use self-scan thingies in shops. I'd rather abandon the trolley and go elsewhere for my victuals and leave the staff to 'unshop' my trolley 🛒

Same here. And I don't have a single clubcard so the big supermarkets have cleverly made me shop more at my local greengrocers, butchers and fishmongers. I've voted with my feet.

Same here Pedro. Apart from being annoying and me inevitably shouting at them, they do people out of jobs. Always the till for me.

I also refuse to use them. If they want me to self-scan then I should be getting a discount.

Oh and tomorrow, after driving back home with a car-load of junk from son no. 2's garden that I can't get to the tip because it now only does short hours, I'm off to see my Dad in the Vale of Belvoir then son no. 1 in Lincoln. It'll have to stay in the car, then go to the tip on Friday.

Back to work Friday after a month off. I don't think I can keep this level of visit up!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
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