Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I can see the CC Giraffe needing an expensive storage solution ^_^

Hastings has it covered.

Deleted member 1258

Hastings has it covered.
View attachment 702857

You've got me curious now, I've seen those before but I cant remember what their original purpose was.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
~ Net Sheds ~
Also used for canvas sails 👍


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Overcast but no wind and the Sound is like mirror with bits of mist hanging around.
Nothing planned today but lots of things I could do and indeed should do but nothing I really need to do if that makes sense.
The house has loads of stuff which could get sorted out and a lot junked as after 40 years in the same house things just accumulate.
Coffee first I think.
I was listening to a chap at the men's shed yesterday telling me his life history about his health issues . I listened for quite a while but then found one of my funny turns was starting . I had to interrupt him as I was starting one of my turns saying that concentrating for too long can bring them on . It reminded me of how they started back in 2006 when I was in hospital. They were much more severe then and I just had to shut up and rest. Once over it I was fine again . This morning I can sense that I may be having one soon . Not sure if it is a type of migraine.
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