Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Lunchtime stroll completed
Mixed fruit crumble has now been eaten
Warm, occasionally sunny and rather blustery here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Overslept rather muchly in fact. Think the reason is that all the craziness of the last couple of weeks is starting to subside, and that I can (largely) get back to normal. Well, what passes for normal here LOL! Have had a quiet morning spent writing. I go and pick up my new-to-me car this afternoon.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Just dropped a bid on a pair of used Shimano MTB shoes - exactly the same as the ones I've got already, but they look hardly used (compared to mine which are quite worn out). At least they will fit.

Not overly keen on used shoes, but that's how I got a bargain pair of Shimano RW5 winter road shoes, after being so impressed with my MW7 MTB ones. Again, little use. You can tell by just looking at the soles. Just bung them in the wash on receipt.

I changed out of my shoes with cleats to drive home and stupidly left them behind. Went straight back when I discovered this but the shoes had gone and an old pair of trainers left. The cleats were el cheepo ones from Aldi/Lidl and did not release easily or reliably but since this was for the trike it was not too important. Never heard of anyone going to A&E after failing to release in time but that was likely.
When I spread the word about this I was offered several pairs by various club members as an emergency measure. As I did not have time to get new ones before a trip off this was welcome and I got the loan of a very nice pair of newish ones. No qualms about using them.

Titan yer tummy

No meatings b4 dinner!
One of my colleagues has just given me one of these to go with my lunch


From the Swedish Bakery in Covent Garden

Full of Sugared cinnamon.



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Knackered since been on the go since 0530 this morning'
Started damp but soon dried up and sun out. Must have been heavy rain in Oban as the roundabout at Tesco's was flooded.
Ferry was crowded so had to stand all the way over and could not get into gents loo in the Observation Deck due to the queue of wimmen trying to get in.
Strange lot these furriners.
The main toilets are down on the deck where the cafe and bar are but they would not go down and the toilets on the top deck are one cubicle and urinal in the gents and the ladies is probably equally sparse.
Calmac booking system seems to be having tantrums. I stopped at the check in as usual and gave my name and the information "lift car".
Head scratching in the office.
" Not under NHS is it?"
"Been to the hospital?"
"Were you travelling under a different name your last trip?"
"Um well go into the front of lane 2"
This means I am about last on due to the lift location on the trip from Oban and therefore last off which is a pain.
In the end it worked out ok but some others have had return bookings cancelled due to their tickets not being properly scanned on the outward leg. One threatened to block the ferry slipway unless they got his problem sorted.

On a really mundane point of course I posted my mundanities to the curried goats yesterday. Need to try harder. :blush:

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
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