Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
MrsPete saw a big hairy spider in the kitchen yesterday, hence, we're pulling all the stuff away from the walls for a Spring Clean & a blast with the steam cleaner.
Gawd help any arachnid that pokes a pedipalp out of a crevice!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Today a small number of my students are doing a re-sit exam where they've got 24 hours to complete it remotely from 10am. However, as most have graduated I'm not sure how many will complete it out of the five who are eligible to.

So, whilst I've set up an online drop-in facility, and I'm online pre-start and shortly after, I'm not sitting in here all day just in case someone has a question. They've got e-mail and telephone support available as well and most last time just e-mailed. One is definitely doing it as they've come online - the system shows when they last logged in - but as for the others I'm unsure whether they'll attempt the exam.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wet and windy so an indoors day today I think.
I really need to start clearing out as much junk as possible from the house but much of it has sentimental value so it is difficult.

Mention of water companies earlier reminds me of a time at Littlemill Distillery when our private reservoir was getting a bit low for no apparent reason. I went off up into the Kilpatrick Hills and had a look around and found the local water company had been diverting all the burns to their reservoir and away from ours. A bit of spade work and all was back to normal and we never heard any complaints from them but kept an eye on the situation for a few months. :whistle:


Growing old disgracefully
South Wales
The Malvern Hills have now moved back ..... to Herefordshire.

I hear Dwr Cymru Welsh Water are going to sack York in retaliation :whistle:


Legendary Member
A belated good morning from a very soggy Suffolk after last night's rain which, thankfully, had stopped by the time I had to leave for work. It's still miserably dull & overcast, but warm.

The second cuppa of the day is in the process of being drunk and I'm having a relaxing office catch-up day after the efforts of the past two days. Which means comfortable shoes rather than clunky steel toe capped boots.
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